  • 學位論文


Effect of Day/Night Temperature and Simulated Dark Transport on Growth and Flowering quality of Oncidium

指導教授 : 李哖


台灣所生產的文心蘭類每年以盆花蘭株外銷比例愈來愈高,本研究探討文心蘭Colmanaras (Colm. ) Wildcat、 Oncidium (Onc. ) Sharry Baby在不同日/夜溫30/25、30/20、30/15、25/20、25/15、20/15℃生長環境下對其開花品質的關係,以供業者栽培溫度控制之參考。另以Colmanaras (Colm. ) Wildcat、Oncidium (Onc. ) Sweet Sugar、Miltonidium (Mtdm. ) Clros Pride品種在不同模擬黑暗貯運溫度、天數與1-MCP預措及或儲運後施以1小時浸水等條件下對文心蘭類花梗發育、花序品質之影響,以供業者在外銷處理植株流程上之參考。 由結果得知,具二代母球之Colm. Wildcat在不同日/夜溫各12小時下經3-3.5個月生長發育後,在25/15℃下有22 - 33%出現雙梗,單株花朵數最多,在夜溫15℃環境下會延遲開花,在夜溫15℃且日溫在25、20℃環境下其花朵數、花朵直徑及花朵壽命均較長;而日溫30℃環境下無論夜溫是25、20或15℃均減少花朵數;對Colm. Wildcat而言,在25/15℃環境下其花朵數最多,壽命最長。而Onc. Sharry Baby或因S0受20/15℃環境影響有停滯生長情形使得當代生長週期長達405.7天,比25/15℃環境下多了89天,雖然其所得開花數58朵,花朵壽命為49.1天均較25/15℃環境下表現之開花數50朵,花朵壽命為46天佳,但在兼顧栽培成本考量下,故建議對Onc. Sharry Baby經濟栽培而言最佳日/夜溫是在25/15℃的環境下。 另由模擬黑暗貯運試驗結果得知,Onc. Sweet Sugar之花朵數隨儲運天數增加而下降。貯運天數在12天內,溫度在14-25℃範圍內,無論有無施與1-MCP,均對Colm. Wildcat、Onc. Sweet Sugar、Mtdm. Clros Pride之花序品質無太大影響,但儲運後有浸水1小時則使文心蘭Sweet Sugar之花朵數少了將近10朵及分支數少了兩支,故於黑暗儲運後不建議立即澆水。帶盆對Mtdm. Clros Pride而言其花朵數、花梗長度較祼根處理下為佳,但儲運溫度不宜過高,在25℃下花朵表現不佳、儲運前後失水率較多。


Effect of day/night temperature on inflorescence quality of Colm. Wildcat (after deflask for 14 months) and Onc. Sharry Baby (after deflask for 18 months) with 2 back shoots were grown at phytotron. The optimum day/night temperature for Colm. Wildcat was 25/15℃ and the plants had 28 florets and 100% flowering ratio and 33% double flower stalks ratio. The optimum day/night temperature of Onc. Sharry Baby were 20℃/15℃, where the plants had 58 florets and florescence were 49 days and 100% flowering ratio. But consider about the cost of cultivation. Days from S0 to the first floret open of Onc. Sharry Baby which grown at 20℃day/15℃night needed 405.7 days, that were taked more 89days than grown at 25℃day/15℃night , the suggest cultivate environment of Onc. Sharry Baby and Colm. Wildcat were at 25℃day/15℃night. The effect of simulated dark transportation at 14-25℃ temperature and 7-12 days and pretreatment with or without 1-MCP and after dark transportation with or without soaked 1 hour water on inflorescence quality of Colmanaras (Colm. ) Wildcat;Oncidium (Onc. ) Sweet Sugar and Miltonidium (Mtdm. ) Clros Pride. The result shown that no significant differents at these treatment during simulated dark transportation beside the soaked 1 hour water after dark transportation. The floret number decreased significantly and badly inflorescence quality after soaked 1 hour water after dark transportation. So we suggest don’t watering after dark transportation immediately.


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