  • 學位論文


An Action Research on the Use of Metacognitive Learning Strategies Integrated into Game-based Teaching to Enhance the Effectiveness of English Remedial Program

指導教授 : 黃雅萍


本研究旨在探討運用後設認知學習策略融入遊戲式教學,以協助國中英語學習低成就學生,改善其學業成績,達成補救教學之成效。研究中的遊戲是使用拼讀字卡,仿照傳統撲克牌遊戲變化為四種教學遊戲,同時融入後設認知學習策略。 本研究對象為桃園縣偏遠地區某國中七年級英語低成就之學生,進行共二十四節之英語補救教學課程。研究範圍為英語字彙學習,課程內容針對字母拼讀法做教學設計,以促進英語低成就學生的基礎字彙能力。 本行動研究之目的,一方面改善教師教學效能,另一方面則解決教學困境,以後設認知學習策略融入遊戲教學,達成提升補救教學之成效。利用「國中學生英語學習情形問卷」、「英語字彙能力測驗」前、後測結果之量化資料,及統整教學日誌、學習日誌、觀察與訪談紀錄等質化資料,以檢視結果,主要的研究結果歸納如下: 一、後設認知學習策略融入遊戲式教學對於英語低成就學生學習動機之提升雖無影響,但整體及個別之學習狀況有正向的轉變。 二、後設認知學習策略融入遊戲式教學對於降低英語低成就學生學習焦慮有正面之幫助。 三、後設認知學習策略融入遊戲式教學能提升英語低成就學生的後設認知學習策略。 四、後設認知學習策略融入遊戲式教學能幫助改善英語低成就學生之學習成效,特別是字彙學習中看字發音的部份。 五、透過行動研究歷程,對教學者本身及學習者都能產生正面的影響。 本研究運用後設認知學習策略融入遊戲式教學進行英語補救教學課程提供的教學範例,可協助一般教師瞭解後設認知學習策略融入遊戲式教學設計的精神,據以自行發展相關的教學活動,或作為未來研究之參考。


The research aims to explore the use of metacognitive learning strategies integrated into game-based teaching to enhance the effectiveness of English remedial program which helps the low achievers in junior high to improve their academic performance. There are four educational games modeled on traditional poker games. The students use spelling cards in these games which is integrated with metacognitive learning strategies in the meanwhile. The students in this research are seventh graders of a remote school in Taoyuan County. They join an English remedial program with twenty-four classes. The scope of the research is vocabulary learning . The curriculum is designed for phonics and is to promote the basis abilities of low achievers in learning English vocabularies. The purpose of this action research is to improve the effectiveness of teaching and also to overcome teaching difficulties in daily classroom. Metacognitive learning strategies integrated into game-based teaching is expected to raise the effectiveness of remedial program. The quantitative data are from the comparison between pre-test and post-test in "Junior High School Students English Learning Questionnaire" and "English Vocabulary Test". The qualitative data contain teaching logs, learning logs, observation and interview records. The main results of this research are summarized as follows: First, metacognitive learning strategies integrated into game-based teaching has no influence on English learning motivation of low achievers, but it does help to improve the overall and individual learning situation. Second, metacognitive learning strategies integrated into game-based teaching can help to reduce language anxiety of low achievers. Third, metacognitive learning strategies integrated into game-based teaching can help low achievers improve their ability to use metacognitive learning strategies. Fourth, metacognitive learning strategies integrated into game-based teaching can help low achievers improve their academic performance, especially the pronounciation of letters and words. Fifth, through the process of the action research, it has good influence on the teacher and low achievers. In this research, the English remedial program provides examples that can do help other teachers understand the instructional designs of metacognitive learning strategies integrated into game-based teaching, so they can develop their own teaching activities. It can also be a reference for future researches.




