  • 學位論文


Competitive Strategy Analysis of Taiwan Business Bank – A Game Theoretic Viewpoint

指導教授 : 蔡政言


近年來全球主要國家的金融業已吹起合併活動的風潮,經營逐步朝向大型化、集團化的模式發展。因為金融機構競爭日益劇烈,以及資訊科技的日新月異,國內證劵、銀行、基金業者相互之間的合併也營運而生,使得國內金融版圖正逐漸地改變,以因應日趨激烈的市場競爭。在台灣銀行間互相合併的案件層出不窮,例如政府積極鼓勵本土銀行進行合併,以解決部份銀行經營不善所發生之鉅額壞帳問題。 在政府有計畫性釋出公營行庫股權及公股銀行減半政策下,多家的公營銀行已轉為民營化。臺灣中小企業銀行性質係為一商業利潤與政策任務兼具的特殊性質金融機構,其組織特性與經營策略有其特殊性與其特有之優劣勢。因此,本研究將從賽局理論中,其參與賽局者所選擇之策略相互依存交互影響的特點,來探討並檢視臺灣企銀銀行之競爭、經營與發展之策略。 根據策略思考觀點的PARTS分析方法得之,臺灣企銀銀行除了應充分解其競爭對手的競爭特性與優勢,以發展出其獨特之動態競爭優勢之外,更應思考如何妥善安排其競合策略,而非一味的思考其創新性或其他增加其競爭性的策略。


In recent years, the world's major financial merger activity has been blowed the global waves, business gradually toward a large-scale, group-oriented model of development. Because of the financial institutions in an increasingly competitive and rapidly changing information technology, domestic securities, banking, merger mutual fund industry also merges, making the domestic financial landscape gradually changes to cope with an increasingly fierce market competition. Another merger between Taiwanese Banks after another, such as government actively encouraged local banks to merge in order to solve the problem of bad debts occurring huge part of the bank mismanagement. Under the government plans to release official public equity shares of the bank to publics, a number of public sector banks have been converted to privatization. Taiwan Business Bank of nature-based financial institutions for the special nature of both business profits and policy, and its organizational characteristics of the special nature of its business strategy have its unique advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, this study from the game theory, the policy of its game by those who choose to participate in the interaction of interdependent characteristics, to explore and examine the competition in Taiwan Business Bank banking, strategic business management and development. According to strategic thinking perspectives of PARTS analysis method, the Taiwan Business Bank Bank in addition to the full solution should be competitive features and benefits of its competitors in order to develop its unique dynamic competitive advantages. This should be done by thinking how to make proper arrangements for their competing strategies its innovative thinking rather than blindly or other increase their competitive strategy.


曾國雄、馮正民、陳郁文(1997 ),「模擬雙人競局理論應用於台灣地區小汽車市場競爭分析」,中國行政評論,第六卷,第三期,,pp.71-79。
