  • 學位論文


Ding-jun Wang’s view points in prose writings and his practice

指導教授 : 張雙英


本論文以王鼎鈞「散文」為研究核心,並提舉其「散文創作觀」,以相互參照,既為爬梳一位創作者的藝術理想,也為識見王鼎鈞散文藝術之完成。 王鼎鈞為現代文學中全方位的作家,寫作範圍涵蓋散文、詩、小說、劇本、文學批評、文藝理論、寫作指導等,兼具創作及理論的雙重能力。他不僅勤於文學創作,在文學理論方面,亦有其深刻的見地,兩者相輔相成,使其創作聲望數十年來歷久不衰。 在臺灣現當代作家中,王鼎鈞被研究的盛況、被肯定的情形,都堪稱數一數二。王鼎鈞寫作範圍廣泛,以散文類為主要創作,最終自我定位為散文作家,本論文期望能立足於前人的研究成果之上,全面性探討王鼎鈞的散文創作觀,進而解讀王鼎鈞的散文作品。章節架構如下: 第一章:緒論。包括研究動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、研究方法、文獻探討以及論文架構,說明本論文研究之內容與方向。 第二章:王鼎鈞的寫作歷程文學因緣。將時空變化納入考量,爬梳王鼎鈞的人生與文學經歷,奠定後續研究王鼎鈞創作觀及作品之基礎。 第三章:王鼎鈞的散文創作觀。整合王鼎鈞散文創作觀的內涵,以利後續考察其文本之實踐情形。 第四章:王鼎鈞的散文主題。創作的重要主題內涵,經由主題內容的分類,從而觀察其創作觀的重要內涵。 第五章:王鼎鈞的散文藝術。對王鼎鈞散文作品做全面的探究,了解其散文作品的藝術手法和風格特色。 第六章:結論。歸納王鼎鈞在現代散文史上的意義與成就。


王鼎鈞 散文創作觀


The core of study about this thesis is Ding-jun Wang’s prose. At the same, his viewpoint of prose writing is also the topic that will be held in this thesis. When the said core and topic be illuminated with each other, we could arrange Ding-jun Wang’s ideal of art and discern his achievement of prose art. Ding-jun Wang is a well-rounded writer in modern literature. With outstanding capability in both literary creation and literary theory, his works include prose, poetry, novels, scripts, literary criticisms, literary theories, and writing guidance. For decades, Ding-jun Wang has devoted himself to creative writing and spurred himself on the exploration of literary theories, both of which gained him everlasting reputation in the territory of literature. This study is based on previous studies from others and hopes to make a comprehensive interpretation of Ding-jun Wang’s whole works. The chapters of this thesis are as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction. The content and direction of this thesis are explained by clarifying the research motive and purpose, scope, limitations, methods, literature review, and construction. Chapter 2: The narrative of Ding-jun Wang’s literary career. This section looks into the life and literary experiences of Ding-jun Wang so as to lay the foundation for the following research into his literary ideology. The writing process and literary ideology of Ding-jun Wang. Chapter 3: Ding-jun Wang’s view points in prose writings. Chapter 4: Ding-jun Wang’s Content of prose themes. Chapter 5 :Ding-jun Wang’s Prose styles.Discoursing his artistic technique and aesthetic transition over his sixty years’ prose writing process. Chapter 6: Conclusion. This section summarizes the research results.


