  • 學位論文


Investigating the Factors Affecting the Variables Related to the Livelihood in Taiwan

指導教授 : 倪衍森




After financial tsunami in 2008, governments worldwide announced various fiscal and monetary policies, attempting to improve situation. Although Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) in September, 2009 had turned into yellow-red, people didn’t feel the economic recovery. Instead, people encounter unemployment and price increase. The study attempts to explore and discuss how variables related to people’s living affects inflation, unemployment rate, misery index and income distribution. The results of the study are as follows. First, when the Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) is good, Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases along with the rise of average income in every professions as well as the bigger gap between the poor and the rich. However, when the Purchasing Manager Index is bad, the unemployment rate decreases. The relation of manufacturing industry in Taiwan and the economic lifeline of the country is thus shown. Second, when the higher expense of food affect other consume, non-food producers will face stock crisis and thus cut down on invest and man power. The poor become poorer. Third, when the economic recession and the employment rate increases, some people become poorer while some people invest to raise stock price. The strong comparison shows that rich, who own more resources and money, become richer, while the poor become poorer.


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