  • 學位論文


The Application of Public Lending Right Scheme on College books

指導教授 : 邱炯友


近年我國大專校院學生非法盜印教科書之情況始終氾濫,為杜絕此情況作家、學者、出版社即成立語文著作權仲介團體,建立合法授權影印機制以保障著作人之權益,然大專校院學生取得教科書之途徑除購買正版教科書、購買二手教科書、學長姐贈與或上述非法影印等方式,向圖書館借閱教科書亦是另一種選擇,而教科書之借閱量是否亦有可能影響著作人之權益?公共出借權是一項著作人因其著作在公共圖書館中免費出借給讀者,導致削弱著作在市場上銷售量的潛在可能性,而賦予著作人獲得補償之權利,故本研究以大專教科書為研究對象,欲藉模擬公共出借權體制計算報酬金程序呈現實驗性結果,突顯上述可能性,並期成為未來擬訂公共出借權體制之參考。 本研究以文獻分析法了解公共出借權的意義、源起、理論基礎與實施方式,各國執行現況則透過公共出借權管理單位網站所公佈之內容,了解最新數據及詳細規定;再以內容分析法對淡江大學覺生紀念圖書館所提供的書籍館藏及借閱統計資料進行分析,逐一描述分析各項欄位之內容與特性,並輔以圖表呈現,再觀察各欄位間關係,以歸納書籍特性所形成之現象,並依照統計資料與數據進行公共出借權報酬金之計算。 本研究結論如下: 一、善用借用流通統計表並觀察其所呈現之資訊 二、可提供書名、著者、ISBN、可流通件數、出借次數及續借次數等書籍欄位資訊之自動化系統,已可配合公共出借權體制計算報酬金程序之執行 三、模擬計算報酬金程序之結果顯示三種計算報酬金方式之差異 四、以借閱天數計算公共出借權之報酬金,將使得報酬金的計算並非一平等、固定的基礎 五、善用公共出借權體制可選定欲保護之著作物類型及須配合執行之圖書館類型之特性 六、對於著作人權益之保護日益重視,應為提倡著作人公共出借權之良好契機


In recent years, college students illegally pirated college books situation has spread. In order to prevent this situation, authors, scholars, publishers found the literary works of the copyright collective organizations. The organization establishes an authorized copying mechanism to protect the authors’ rights and interests. Then college students obtain college book by buying a genuine textbook, used textbooks, seniors gift or the illegal copying, etc., library is another option. Would the checking out counts of college books jeopardize the authors’ right and interests? Public lending right is a scheme to protect authors by remuneration for free lending by library. So this study, focusing on college books, try to simulate public lending right scheme calculated compensation payment procedure presented experimental results, highlighting the possibilities of the future development of public lending right scheme of reference. In this study, document analysis method to understand the Public Lending Right meaning, origin, theoretical basis and the situation between other countries. Content analysis method to analysis the statistical data from Tamkang University Chueh Sheng Memorial Library. Later, using the same data to simulate public lending right scheme remuneration calculated procedure. The conclusions are as follows: 1. We should pay attention to the information showing in the circulation statistical record; 2. If the automated library system can output the title, author, ISBN, circulation items, checking out counts and renewal counts, it can precisely offer the information to public lending right in the future; 3. Simulation result shows that the different way of calculating compensation payment in different results; 4. Using checking out counts to calculate compensation payment would be an unequal way; 5. We should use the characteristic of public lending right scheme well, what kind of library should be corporate and what kind of work should be protect are negotiable; 6. The increasing emphasis on the protection of author’s right should be the good opportunity to promote public lending right.


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邱炯友、曾玲莉,「公共出借權之演進與發展」,台北市立圖書館館訊 21卷,1期 (2003年9月):62。
邱炯友、曾玲莉,「公共出借權之認知與意見調查研究」,國家圖書館館刊 92卷,1期 (2003年4月):111。


