  • 學位論文


A study of The crowd safety management in cross-border mainland tourists in Taiwan

指導教授 : 潘錫堂


全球化影響及兩岸交流日趨緊密,入出國境人流與外來人民移入,儼然將臺灣帶入「人口國際化」的潮流中,政府自1987年11月開放兩岸交流以來,大陸地區人民以通婚、探親、探病、專業活動、觀光、小三通及包機直航等方式來臺日益增多,隨之衍生違常、違法、違規事件,特別是兩岸間僅一水之隔,同文同種,從傳統非法偷渡到以虛偽結婚、假冒親屬、偽變造證件及觀光等以合法掩護非法方式,遂其來臺目的,進而衍生違法(規)等案件,對公序良俗、社會治安、乃至國家安全等層面,皆造成巨大影響不容輕忽。 大陸地區人民來臺觀光對國境管理之影響層面,如下所述:1、簡化陸客申請文件,可能造成身分查核不實;2、陸客申請案件審核之人力及專業性不足,影響入境前之身分安全查核;3、法令修正頗為過速,執法人員因應不及,影響國境安全之執法;4、我方危機意識與心防漸弱(失)。 本文綜合文中之論述,臚列以下具體可行之建議,以作為政府施政參考之用:1、明確兩岸政策之方向,掌握陸客來臺主導權;2、簽署兩岸境管協議,加強國境管理合作;3、加強陸客申請案件審核機制,以達到源頭管理為目標;4、在大陸地區設立辦事處,完善「事前管理」之能量;5、有效使用國境管理之資訊設備及系統,執行陸客入出境查驗等工作;6、國安團隊建置之大陸人士資訊系統互享資源,應提供給基層執法人員使用;7、我國有必要於大陸地區先行採集陸客及其他大陸身分人士之生物特徵,並回傳台灣國內國境管理機關,以利陸客及其他大陸身分人士入境時比對之用;8、有效掌蒐特殊大陸人士在臺從事相關違法行為之情事;9、宜適度擴增陸客來台申請案件之專業審核人力名額。


The impact of globalization and the increasingly close cross-strait exchanges has contributed to the heavy flow of people and foreigners at the borders, leading Taiwan into the trend of “the internationalization of population”. Since the government started the open cross-strait exchanges policy in November 1987, a growing number of mainland Chinese people has come to Taiwan for intermarriage, visiting their relatives, sightseeing or engaging in professional activities by means of mini three links routes and charter flights, etc. These have also brought along with the violation of the laws and violation of provision. Divided only by the Straits of Taiwan, the mainland China and Taiwan are of the same race and share the same language. Thus, the common illegal activities like smuggling, hypocrisy marriages, fake relatives, fake documents and other illegitimate activities have been used to enable them to arrive in Taiwan. As a result, there have been many cases of violation of law (provision) which have caused great impact to the level of public order and social morality and even national security and thus can not be ignored. The sightseeing tourism by Mainland China tourists to Taiwan has produced following impacts on the Taiwan border people movement management mechanism : 1. owing to simplify the application procedures for documents of Mainland China tourists, it may cause a false and uncorrect identity and status check; 2. because of lacking enough immigration officers human resources and professional ability for auditing the application cases, it may influence the pre-entry identity security reviewing; 3. because the regulations have been amended so rapidly, the border law enforcement officers cannot properly response, and it has negative effect for border security enforcement; 4. the Taiwan people sense of crisis from Mainland China military threats and psychological defense have lost more and more. This article synthesizes above discussions and proposes following specific and feasible suggestions as Taiwan governmental policies references: 1. to clarify the policy direction between Taiwan and Mainland China , and to control the dominant power on the sightseeing by Mainland China tourists to Taiwan; 2. to sign the agreement on the border people movement management mechanism between Taiwan and Mainland China , and to strengthen border management cooperation mechanism between both sides; 3.to enhance the auditing mechanism for the sightseeing tourism application cases to Taiwan by the Mainland China tourists in order to achieve the goal of “source management”; 4. to set up branches on Mainland China in order to improve the energy of the “proactive management”; 5. effectively and efficiently to utilize the IT equipment and systems for the border people movement management in order to implement the inspection of the entry and departure by Mainland China sightseeing tourists; 6. to share the Mainland China people watchlist information system established by the national security team to the field law enforcement officers;7. it is necessary to collect the biological characteristics of the Mainland China sightseeing tourists in China area and then return to Taiwan agencies of border people movement management in order to identify and authenticate their true status when they arrive and pass the border ports of Taiwan; 8. to effectively control the illegal behaviours engaged by specific Mainland China sightseeing tourists in Taiwan; 9. to increase the professional auditing manpower of the National Immigration Agency (NIA) of the Ministry of Interior for the sightseeing tourism application cases to Taiwan by the Mainland China tourists.


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United States Department of Homeland Security. http://www.dhs.gov/.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection. http://www.cbp.gov.


