  • 學位論文


A Study on Determinant Factors of Social Movement Supporter in Taiwan: A Case Study of 318 Student Movement

指導教授 : 林聰吉


在民主政體的運作中,公民的政治參與向來被視為重要且不可或缺的一環。雖說民眾的政治參與行為,絕大部份來自於對現狀的不滿,但主要原因仍建立於個人的政治態度之上。2014年3月所發生的318學運,不僅是台灣社會近年來最受矚目的一場社會運動,更成功地引發各界對於兩岸關係、服貿協議…等議題的關注與討論。在學運期間,多家媒體都曾針對民眾是否支持318學運攻佔立法院的行動進行民意調查,但卻未針對他們為何支持學運,又為何對學運表達反對的理由進行探討。放眼過去與社會運動相關之文獻,也少有探討支持社會運動者的心理與政治態度。因此,本研究基於上述背景,提出研究問題如下:究竟哪些因素會使民眾願意去支持318學運? 本文首先檢閱過去涉及台灣民眾政治態度與政治參與之相關文獻,並將可能造成影響的因素分為人口變項與態度變項兩大類。接著,再運用卡方檢定與二元勝算對數來進一步分析台灣民眾對318學運的支持因素。研究結果顯示,民眾的性別與其教育程度高低並非是影響他們支持318學運與否的主要因素。相反地,民眾的年齡、政黨認同、統獨立場、政治信任、公民意識以及對馬英九的偏好程度等因素,皆為影響他們對318學運之支持的重要解釋指標。這當中,又以年輕族群、泛綠政黨認同者與公民意識較強烈的民眾最可能去表達對318學運的支持。值得一提的是,本文也發現,比起外界多聚焦在支持318學運與支持台灣獨立的關係上,統獨立場偏向兩岸統一者不支持318學運的可能性,會比偏向台灣獨立者去支持318學運的可能性來得更為強烈。


318學運 社會運動 政治態度


Civil Political Participation is always regarded as an indispensable part of democracy even the majority participates were not satisfied with the current situation. Basically, a person's political attitudes explain the unsatisfied emotion. 318 Student Movement was the biggest political challenge of Social Movement to Taiwan for the past few years. After the public opinions turned, it was successfully take the related issues such as cross-strait relations and Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services into concern. During all the passion and the protest, most of the social media studied about wether people agreed with the protest by occupying the Legislative Yuan or not rather than review the real reason and the main proposal of Student Movement. Therefore, this paper will focus on what reasons will make people decide to support Social Movement and what makes them different. What kind of factor could explain the willingness to support the 318 Student Movement? In this paper, the political attitudes and political participation of Taiwanese people during the past few years were used to analyze the success of 318 Student Movement in solution. Standards of the factors were used to identify demographic variables and attitude variables, which were then detected with chi-square test and binary logit. It was observed that people’s gender and the education degree were not the main reasons to affect people’s decision. In contrast, age, party identification, unification-independent attitude, political trust, civic awareness and the preference for President Ma were shown to be an effective reasons of supporting 318 Student Movement. Besides, these finding have significant implications that the teenagers, pan-green identifiers and people who have strong civic awareness tend to have strongly support to 318 Student Movement. To sum up, the results for what kind of factors make people willing to support the 318 Student Movement were explained by elements such as people who has cross-strait reunification has less support to the 318 Student Movement than those people who prefer the independence of Taiwan.


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