  • 學位論文


The Investigation of a Competitive Strategy of Enterprises of Car Set-Top-Box -an Example as AVerMedia Technologies,inc.

指導教授 : 李金連


目前因電子產業毛利不斷下降,所有企業都想盡辨法要從目前所在的競爭產業以外找出一個可以提高毛利率的高價值產業,以確保企業能長久的經營下去。因此本研究的目的就是使以電視盒、電視卡為主要產品的圓剛科技藉由開發車用數位電視盒之產品,以獲得因進入汽車電子產業中而有更高的獲利。研究方法採問卷調查法與個案訪問法,研究樣本有圓剛科技、台灣松下、華碩公司、車廠、開車族…等共218人,研究工具有企業核心資源、顧客需求及競爭者與本身在產業關鍵成功因素等自製問卷。研究結果為: (1) 在製程能力部份,圓剛科技在規模經濟優勢、零組件採購及來源掌控與製程管理與創新能力上皆較為弱勢,必需維持與供應商的關係,與製程能力的提升及成本的下降,才能在車用電子產業中更具競爭力。 (2) 產品可靠度與穩定度部份,因消費市場的電子產品與車用電子產品,在保固時間與使用環境的差異,使在車用電子的產品可靠度與穩定度上相較重要許多,在保固時間就從消費電子的1~2年到車用電子的5~10年,產品工作環境的溫、溼度也高了許多,所以在產品設計、驗證及製造上,要針對使用者可能的環境與使用方式去調整,明確地把產品的定位為車用電子產品。 (3) 行銷通路部份,因圓剛科技的產品通路皆為各大3C賣場,3C各通路大都為電腦、家電產品為主,所以必需因消費者所在的消費群中,把行銷的模式與通路向各汽車用品賣場滲透,或是如目前燦坤3C賣場也開始將少許的車用品在店內銷售,這就是一個很好的合作機會,並加強與各大汽車用品賣場與各地汽車材料行的關係,才能建立圓剛科技在車用電子的銷售通路。


Presently as the gross margin of electronic businesses has been kept decreasing. All the enterprises are working hard from their feasibilities to find a channel leading for augmenting their gross margin by a valued business category to make sure the industry will last in a long term planning. This study is to focus on an objective to understand a company mainly manufacturing TV tuner box and TV tuner card by using the opportunity from developing the automobile TV tuner box, in term of obtaining higher profit from entering the industry of automobile electronic devices. We are using surveying and enquiries to make the frame for this research. The focus group including AVerMedia, Panasonic, ASUS, car manufacturers and car driver, total of 218 people. The tools for this research including surveys on enterprise core competencies, customer needs and Key Success Factors (KSF). The results of study are: 1. In consider of productivity, AVerMedia is not competitive in capacity, components purchasing, supplier management, processing management and innovation. It is a must to maintain a good relation with suppliers, keep up the processing skills, and keep on cost down, it will then able to continue its competitiveness in automobile electronic device industry. 2. When touching the issues of product reliability and stability, due to the diversity of warranty and users environment from consuming electronic goods to the automobile electronic devices, which make reliability and stability matter. Warranty varies from 1-2 years for consuming electronic goods to 5-10 years of automobile electronic goods. As well as the temperature and humidity are out of scale where the products been used, it would therefore being necessary to match the possible environments, plus the modes of application to design, testing and producing the goods, and specifying the goods as automobile electronic device 3. As looking at the sales channels, due to all the channels of AVerMedia are mainly the 3C wholesales, and these wholesales are mainly selling computers and electrical devices for households, it would be necessary to penetrate the marketing pattern and channels in each whosales principally focusing on automobile utilities businesses. For example that Tsann-Kuen 3C has started to import few car used merchants, and this could be seen as a very positive thing of cooperation, as well as re-emphasize the relationship with major car utilities wholesale and well as material suppliers with the car goods, and that will help AVerMedia to establish its own sales channel.


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