  • 學位論文


Production low temperature sintering building brick from drilling wastes using geopolymeric technology

指導教授 : 鄭大偉


在油氣井的鑽探過程中所產生的鑽井廢棄物主要包括鑽屑、廢泥漿、廢水處理污泥等混合廢棄物。其中除泥漿可經循環系統重覆使用外,其餘均成為待處理的廢棄物。然而絕大部分鑽鑿過程所產生之鑽屑多為地層岩石碎屑,屬於無毒性之事業廢棄物;中油公司以往是以乾燥後掩埋之方式處理。此法不但費時、費力又耗費金錢,且經掩埋後已無再利用價值,故鑽井廢棄物之資源化再利用,實為當前刻不容緩之課題。 無機聚合物為近年發展的一種鹼性膠凝材料,具有早強性質、隔熱性佳、抗酸鹼及耐久性佳等優點。本研究利用無機聚合技術於鑽井廢棄物的資源再利用上,將其以低於500℃的溫度燒製成符合CNS標準建築普通用磚並評估其可行性。實驗結果顯示,鑽井廢棄物經前處理後,在SiO2/Na2O莫耳比2之鹼液及固液比4的條件下進行混練,並以60 kgf/cm2加壓成型,坯體經乾燥並於500℃持溫2小時後,可得體密度2.3 g/cm3及吸水率6 %,且抗壓強度72.4 MPa的燒成試體,其符合CNS標準1種磚之需求。將鑽井廢棄物應用無機聚合物技術低溫燒製成建築用磚,非但節省成本、降低能源消耗,亦能提供現行產業新的應用技術。


In the oil and gas drilling process, the rock or formation cuttings from the drilling bit are carried by the circulating drilling mud to the surface and separated by mechanical devices into usable mud, waste mud, waste cutting, and waste water. The drilling wastes, mixtures of drilling cutting and drilling mud, are basically geological material that is generally disposed of. However most of the drilling wastes are mostly rock debris, belongs to no toxic wastes ; CPC used to be buried after drying of dealing. This method not only time consuming, laborious and spend money, and has no reuse value with bury, so drilling waste reuse is indeed the current urgency of issues. Geopolymer as an alkaline gelled material development in recent years, has a good early strength properties, heat insulation, good resistance to acids and bases and durability advantages. The purpose of this study is to examine the feasibility of drilling wastes using geopolymeric technology. It will be produced lower temperature sintering building brick consistent with Taiwan national standards. The experimental results showed that building brick mixed drilling wastes with alkaline solution (SiO2/Na2O=2) in weight ratio of 4.Then put it into a temperature (500℃) oven for 2 hours of sintering ,and it has the best mechanical and Physical properties. Density is 2.3 g/cm3 , the water-absorbing rate is 6%, and compressive strength is 72.4 MPa of sintering sample, it is consistent with Taiwan national standards. Production low temperature sintering building brick from drilling wastes using geopolymeric technology not only save costs, reduce energy consumption, are also able to provide the existing industry the new technology.


Building brick Geopolymer Drilling wastes


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