  • 學位論文


Safe Way to Elementary School - The Cases Study of Bo Ai Elementary School and Wu Xingjie Elementary School in Taipei

指導教授 : 宋立垚


有感於現行都市空間中對於硬體設備之重視,但對於校園周圍之學童每日上下學的交通安全措施配套做法,卻仍有待改進之處。 根據統計資料指出,學童上下學期間所遭受交通事故比例明顯比其他時段高,國民小學校園意外事件中,以交通事故死亡人數所佔比例居首,地點則多在居家或學校附近,而交通安全問題是家長不願意讓孩子走路上學的理由之一。故提供一安全之通學步道確有其重要性及急迫性。規劃完善之通學步道除了可以降低兒童交通事故的頻率,更可提升學童上下學之趣味性及學習性,建構一條有趣又生動的上學道路,更可健全兒童成長發展。 本研究之目的為回顧通學步道之相關政策及實施成效、探討通學步道使用後之研究、不同樣區在都市規劃通學步道之整體滿意度相關改善建議與對策、分析不同類型通學步道使用者特性需求與行為態度、提出研究樣區通學步道使用者階層與需求差異性,並作為未來通學步道設計之參考。 研究方法採用文獻蒐集法、實證調查法、專家訪談法與歸納分析法。來檢核通學步道的使用情形,進一步提出通學步道之架構實質需求內容與對策,以作為通學步道實質設施改善建議與未來都市規劃中通學步道設計規畫之參考。


通學步道 通學巷


There has been plenty of emphasis on existing facility and equipment in the city space. However, there is still room of improvement for students’ daily road safety around the school surrounding area. According to the statistics data, obviously the traffic accidents happen much more frequent right before or after school time. Among all campus accidents in elementary schools, the death toll of traffic accident is the highest, and most of them were happened either on the way to school or on the way home. Students’ road safety became most of parents’ biggest concern and it is also the reason not to let children walk to school. Therefore, it is important and necessary to provide safe Neighborhood Streets for children. Besides help prevent children’s traffic accidents on the way to school, well designed Neighborhood Streets can also be fun and educational. By making the way to school interesting and inviting, learning can be extended to outside of classroom as a positive experience to children’s development. The purpose of this research is to review policies related to Neighborhood Streets and the efficiency of these policies. Furthermore, by interviewing residents live in the neighborhood with Neighborhood Streets, improvements were suggested. The neighborhood without Neighborhood Streets was also studied as a comparison. The different needs and expectations between the two neighborhoods could be used as references for the future Neighborhood Street designs. Research methods such as documentation analysis, questionnaire survey, expert interview, inductive analysis were used in this paper to investigate the actual use of Neighborhood Streets. By understanding the essential needs of each neighborhood, we were able to better suggest the future design of the Neighborhood Streets in city planning.


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