  • 學位論文


The AHP Research of Outsourcing Management Performance

指導教授 : 鄭春生


近年國防預算及人力持續精簡,造成軍方後勤管理沉重負擔,而「軍機商維」政策爰引民間企業支援軍事裝備後勤維修,期能降低軍方維持費成本,同時開拓內需市場,勢將漸成必然趨勢;但現今尚未具備周延的履約稽核的監控機制,導致國軍難以掌控履約成效。 本研究由事後評估著手,發展出委商經營管理績效之評估模式,以確定民間航太產業委託經營軍機維修之評鑑依據。文中以空軍第十一修補大隊委商案作為研究對象,評估組織績效之模式,以透過專家訪談、腦力激盪法配合文獻回顧方式,歸納出服務品質、顧客滿意度、與組織效能等三個構面及其十四個評選子項做探討,運用層級分析法 (analytical hierarchy process, AHP) 的群體決策模式,並以武器裝備全壽期中「計畫獲得單位」、「維修管理單位」及「飛機修護單位」共同評估賦予各指標權值。 結果顯示,軍方人員對於「建構委商經營管理績效評估」之三個構面評選項目之權重,依序為顧客滿意度0.490最高,服務品質0.347次之,組織效能0.164最低,顯示軍方對於合約廠家顧客滿意度有最強烈之要求;而組織效能相對最低,研判合約計罰條款係以妥善率為標準,促使廠家致力於組織效能之發揮,軍方人員所需投入管理資源自然降低。換言之,合約罰則若能考量各構面關鍵指標並加以納入,將可大幅降低軍方履約管理之負擔。


The workload of military logistics system has been heavily increased by the continuous reduction of defense budget and personnel. The outsourcing of military aircraft is a policy to introduce commercial company to support maintenance of military facility. The cost to sustain logistics system will be reduced and the internal market will be expanded by outsourcing. However, the monitor mechanism of contract audit is not completed, as a result, military can not handle the contract perfectly. This research develops a performance assessment model of outsourcing management by evaluating the existing outsourcing case to build the assessment basis of commercial aeronautic enterprise. The outsourcing case of 11th Maintenance and Supply Group is studied to evaluate the performance of organization by expert opinions, brain storming and literature review. The decision model of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is applied to analyze 14 criteria of service quality, customer satisfaction and organization effect. The main processes of whole life of weapon system, include plan procurement unit, maintenance management unit and aircraft maintenance unit, are used to allocate the weights of different assessment categories. According to the analysis, the weights of the three categories are customer satisfaction 0.49, service quality 0.347 and organization effect 0.164. Customer satisfaction is the most important factor for military personnel to cooperate with contractors and organization effect receives the least concern. This may be caused by the preventive penalty article of the contract. The organization effect has to be performed well to reach the performance requirement of mission capability and the sampling group does not need to assess the internal operation of the contractor. On the other hand, the workload of contract management will be highly reduced by applying the assessment categoryies to the contract.


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