  • 學位論文


Learning through Multiple Intelligences: A Case Study of High School Students' Visit in the Contemporary Art Exhibitions

指導教授 : 陳佳利


美國心理學家Howard Gardner提出多元智能觀點,開拓了人們對於人類學習潛能的認識與態度,與學校教育相比較,博物館自由開放與多媒材的學習環境更有利於發展人類各項智能。本研究透過帶領高中生參與美術館參觀教學活動,應用多元智能理論設計美術館參觀活動,透過當代藝術展覽之各種展覽形式,探討高中生多元智慧美術館學習之歷程與結果。研究方法上採行動研究,規畫十週美術館教育活動與執行美術館教學,透過學習單、質性訪談、焦點團體與觀察記錄學生參觀當代藝術展覽的參觀經驗,深入探討高中生美術館多元智能學習潛能的表現,使實務與理論間結合並印證,研究結果與討論,獲得結論如下: 一、 當代藝術對於高中生來說,有興趣且可以拍照的展覽是關鍵;館方服務態度影響參觀經驗。 二、 當代藝術啟發內省與人際的智能:高中生關切的展覽多與生活有關,並透過展覽內容擴展多元文化思維與批判、內省的能力。 三、當代藝術展能啟發高中生創作力與價值觀:透過適當引導參觀展覽,高中生對作品詮釋的能力將增強,並啟發具內省思惟的藝術創作力。 對藝術教師以及未來美術館展覽與教育推廣,提供以下建議: 一、藝術教師應注重以個人為中心的藝術教育,並運用美術館資源提供理解當代藝術多元學習的切入點,激發其多元智能與創造力。 二、美術館應提供適當與親切的引導及活潑開放的自由環境,促進高中生對當代藝術的理解 。


American psychologist Howard Gardner proposes the theory of multiple intelligences, which develop the understanding of potentials of human’s learning. Compared with the school education, the museum provides a free learning environment which is good for the development of multiple intelligences. The researcher took high school students to visit art museums, trying to implement the school curriculum and core competencies in the museum environment. In this study, the method of action research is applied. The researcher planned ten-week art courses integrating museum visits for high school students. Through qualitative interviews and observations of students’ visits to two contemporary art exhibitions, their learning experiences in relation to the Multiple Intelligences will be discussed and analyzed. By doing so, it is hoped that this research will help to provide ideas for teachers to understand the potentials of developing multiple intelligences in the museum as well as for the museum practitioners to develop the museum exhibition and art education for high school students. The results and discussion of the study are as follows. It is important for high school students to take pictures freely in the exhibition and the museum staff’s attitude will affect their experiences. Secondly, the contemporary art inspired introspection and interpersonal intelligences, and changes their values and attitudes. Thirdly, high school students will relate contemporary art works with their lives and inspire their art creativities. Therefore, two suggestions are made as follows: First, Art teacher should use art museums’ resources and provide individual centered learning and multiple entry points to inspire high school students’ multiple intelligences and creativities. Secondly, the museum should provide free learning environment and friendly learning support to facilitate high school students’ understanding of contemporary art.


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顏芝芸(2013)。兒童觀眾於高雄兒童美術館的遊戲互動與創作分享行為— 以「圖案,真奇妙!」特展為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6835/TNUA.2013.00148
