  • 學位論文


A study of Lean Production Influences Screws and Fasteners Industry Manufacturing Performance - A Case Study of Kaohsiung and Tainan

指導教授 : 蔣大成


隨著企業全球化的趨勢,面臨經濟環境變化及低成本的競爭下,企業整體的經營環境愈形艱鉅,而在這樣的微利時代,企業不僅要生產出在價格方面具有競爭力的產品;另外,高品質、低成本、短交期與安全性亦是基本條件。企業為求取生存與永續經營,多樣少量生產的「精實生產」(Lean Production)成為製造業當紅的管理議題,精實生產主要是著重消除浪費,目的是協助企業改善服務及製造流程,提高產品品質、生產力及其競爭力。 本研究以高雄地區與台南地區的螺絲螺帽業為主要抽樣對象,探討受訪者在精實生產管理上所做的努力,對其企業製造績效的影響程度,本研究採用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,所得資料使用SPSS套裝軟體做為資料分析工具。本研究發現: 1.「人員/組織要素」及「製造管制」等因素構面對製造績效之因素構面有顯著的影響。 2.企業屬性中的公司資本額、成立年數、推動ISO 9001品質管理系統、從業人員的學歷、職位及工作年資等變項,皆對「產品/製程設計」、「人員/組織要素」、「製程管制」、「製程規劃」及「製造績效」等因素構面有顯著的影響。 3.企業屬性中的公司員工人數變項對「製程規劃」因素構面有顯著的影響。 4.企業屬性中的員工年齡變項對「產品/製程設計」及「製造績效」等因素構面有顯著的影響。


Since the trend of economic globalization, variation of economic environment and low cost competition, the business operation became more and more difficult. In the age of low profit, enterprises needed to offer competitive products with good quality, lower cost, shot lead time and safety. To persuade sustainable operation, Lean Production became a popular topic in manufacturing industry. The goal of Lean Production was improving the business performance regarding on services, product quality, productivity, and more competitive. Companies of fastener industry in Kaohsiung and Tainan are the main survey subjects in this research. We measured the impact of production performance based on the effect of those people who executed the Lean Production. The research used the questionnaire survey procedure. The sample was analyzed by SPSS and the result was shown as below: 1. “Element of people and organization” and “Controlling process of manufacture ” had a huge influence on manufacturing performance. 2. Business capital, established year, applied ISO 9001 quality management system, education, position and seniority of employees had a huge influence on “Design of product and process”, “Element of people and organization”, “Controlling process of manufacture” , “Planning process of manufacture” and “Manufacturing performance ”. 3. Employee numbers had a huge influence on “Planning process of manufacture” 4. The age of employees had a huge influence on “Design of product and process” and “Manufacturing performance”.


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