  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationship among College Students’ Career Guidance Needs, Career Self-Efficacy and Employability

指導教授 : 李元墩


就大學生而言,求學階段是屬於生涯發展之探索與重要抉擇階段,此時期之發展任務是繼續進行生涯探索以增進自我及對職業世界的瞭解,以決定個人未來職涯方向。如今的大學畢業生為因應外部總體環境迅速且多元的變遷,在求學階段要如何充實自我,尋找個人生涯的方向,尚須培養自己具備一組核心就業力以滿足職場的需求,並期望在未來的生涯職場上能夠順利發展達到自我實現的境界。   本研究旨在探討南部某科技大學應屆畢業生生涯輔導需求、生涯自我效能與就業力關係之研究。以2012年大學部應屆畢業生398人為對象,透過問卷調查法回收問卷385份,有效問卷363份,回收率分別為96.7%、91.2%,並應用單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析等統計方法驗證本研究之假設。   根據分析結果歸納結論:1.不同背景之大學生對生涯輔導需求部分顯著差異;2.不同背景之大學生對生涯自我效能部份顯著差異;3.不同背景之大學生對提升就業力沒有顯著差異;4.大學生生涯輔導需求與生涯自我效能間具有顯著正相關;5.大學生生涯輔導需求與就業力間具有顯著正相關;6.大學生生涯自我效能與就業力間具有顯著正相關。   最後,根據上述的研究結論,對學校相關單位或學生提供具體建議做為提升學生就業力參考。


To college students, the years of studying are the time to explore career developments and make important decisions and to have better understanding of themselves and career fields. In order to adapt to quick and diverse changes in the external environment, college graduates now not just have to enrich themselves and search for career directions, but also have to equip themselves with core employability to meet career field needs and hopefully can get successful development in the field, achieving self-fulfillment.   This study aims to discuss the relationship among career guidance needs, career self-efficacy and employability of fresh graduates of college. Questionnaire investigation is conducted, 398 college students graduated in 2012 are subjects. Three hundred and eighty-five copies of questionnaires were returned, and there were 363 copies of valid samples. The respond rate was 96.7% and 91.2% of which were valid. Statistical methods such as analysis of variance and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient are used to prove the hypothesis of this study. The findings of the study are as follows: 1. College students with different backgrounds have partially significant at career guidance needs. 2.College students with different backgrounds have also partially significant at career self-efficacy. 3. College students with different backgrounds have partially significant at improving employability. 4. There is a positive significant correlation between career guidance needs and career self-efficacy among college students; 5. There is a significantly positive correlation between career guidance needs and employability among college students; 6. There is a significantly positive correlation between career self-efficacy and employability among college students.   Finally some concrete suggestions based on the findings above are provided for school-related organizations and students. Moreover, the study sheds new lights on further researches in terms of enhancing competence of employability for college students.


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