  • 學位論文


Case study in Fire Safty of Old Urban Community in Daren Village, Tainan City

指導教授 : 邵珮君


台灣早期,對於都市的建設與發展缺乏整體考量,都市街廓規劃不完善,巷道狹小、公共設施不足、超量聚居等情形嚴重,導致這些早期開發的區域生活環境品質低落,居住環境逐漸老舊、衰敗,成為都市中的災害高風險區域。 因此,本研究的目的在於瞭解都市老舊地區,可能存在哪些火災危險因子,並如何在現實硬體設施改善不易下,從社區防災的觀點,提出都市老舊地區的防火安全建議與改進對策,降低都市老舊社區火災危險事件發生的機率。 本研究透過現地調查與地理資訊系統運用,從建築物現況與地區外部環境的調查,發現研究地區內因為防火消防設施不足、街廓狹窄阻塞不通,無法供消防車正常進出、 防火巷遭到佔用、建築物內部裝潢,多屬易燃建材、建築物老舊密集,違建嚴重,內外電路管線缺乏規劃、危險易燃物品隨意放置,缺乏管理等因素,造成研究地區的火災危險。 經由問卷調查發現,居民缺乏正確用火習慣,消防認知不佳,其中又以老年人口與低學歷族群表現最差。另外,居民對於社區現有之防火安全對策及消防安全措施缺乏認同感,卻又吝於付出時間與精力參與社區消防活動或自主性社區消防組織,當中又以老年人口與低學歷族群,對參與社區消防活動最不具熱忱。 最後,本研究從硬體設施改善及軟性防災機制建置二方面,對研究地區的火災危險提出改善建議。


Lacking of overall planning for urban city was a characteristic in the early Taiwan. According to the change of times, narrow streets, insufficient public infrastructure, overload residents led to low quality of living environment in the early developed area. This makes early developed areas become vulnerable to disaster. The purpose of this study is to understand what kind of fire risk factors exist and how to propose strategies for mitigate fire risk for early developed areas of urban city. Through field survey and geographic information system (GIS), it points out that the danger of fire in the area was due to insufficient fire facilities, narrow jammed lane which fire engines are not able to go through, blocked fire walls, interior decorations of buildings with combustible materials, and old and intensive buildings, serious unlicensed buildings, lack of interior and exterior circuit pipeline planning, random placement of dangerous combustibles, and insufficient management. The survey shows that residents are without correct fire usage and recognition on fire safety, and the elderly and low-educated people perform the worst. Thus, the residents lack of recognition on existing fire-safety policies and measures. The residents seldom participate in community-based fire-safety activities or autonomous fire-safety organization, especially elderly and low-educated people show high tendency. This study suggests the improvements on fire-safety from two perspectives -hardware facilities improvements and software fire safety mechanism building.


