  • 學位論文


Strategic Fit of Diversification and Internationalization with Performance- Technology Life Cycle View

指導教授 : 李國瑜 呂鴻德


本研究旨在探討不同技術生命週期階段下,多角化策略類型、國際化程度及其策略配適對經營績效之影響,經由相關文獻探討後,提出一整合性觀念架構,以縱剖面之個案分析加以橫剖面之實證研究來探討其間之關係。 在個案部分,本研究將技術生命週期分為三個階段,各階段選一經營績效良好之代表企業集團,將其多角化和國際化過程加以分析,以期可成為各技術生命週期階段之參考,結論如下: 1. 技術市場突破期:此階段以五鼎生技為例,其及是由國際單一型到國際相關型 2. 技術市場擴展期:此階段以宏碁集團為例,其及是由本國單一型到本國相關型到國際非相關型 3. 技術市場成熟期此階段以大成長城為例,其及是由本國單一型到本國相關型到國際相關型 在實證部分,本研究以台灣地區1500大製造業為研究對象,以問卷收集資料,進行統計分析之方式,共計有效回收問卷91份,實證結論分述如下: 1. 多角化策略類型對經營績效有顯著影響:其中相關多角化績效優於非相關多角化 2. 國際化程度對經營績效有顯著影響:而高度國際化績效優於低度國際化 3. 多角化和國際化策略配合對經營績效有顯著影響:說明企業多角化、國際化成長具有意義,給予企業成長的信心。 4. 技術生命運期、多角化和國際化策略配合對經營績效有顯著影響:特定的策略配合在各技術生命週階段中為企業帶來良好之績效,可將技術生命週期視為企業之策略因子之一。


This research is based upon different stages of technology life cycle(TLC) to study the relationship between strategic fit of diversification and internationalization with performance. To review the relative researches, integratedly conceptual structure was established to study the relationship among them. In case study, this research divided the TLC to three stages. Choosing one firm which had good performance to be represent in each stage, and then collecting and analysing all firms’ growth histories of diversification and internationalization. The results can be summarized as follows: 1.stage 1: technology-market break: Apexbio for example, the growth history is from international-one to international-related. 2.stage 2: technology-market growth: Acer for example, the growth history is from national-one, national-related to national-unrelated. 3.stage 3: technology-market maturity: Dachan Greatwall for example, the growth history is from national-one, national-related to national-related. In data analysis, the top 1500 manufacturers in Taiwan were the sample space. Structured questionnaires are used to collect data, and effective returns were 91 sets. After statistic analysis, the results can be summarized as follows: 1.the relationship between diversification and performance is significant, and the performance of related diversification is better than unrelated diversification. 2.the relationship between internationalization and performance is significant, and the performance of highly-internationalization is better than lowly-internationalization. 3.the relationship between strategic fit of diversification and internationalization and performance is significant. It shows that the growth of a business is meaningful, and gives confidence to firms that are growing. 4.the relationship among TLC, strategic fit of diversification and internationalization and performance is significant. It shows that some special strategic fit has good performance in some special stage of TLC. TLC can be a strategic factor in business strategy.


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