  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Chinese Cuisine Cookery Skill Test Efficiency and Learning Behavior of the Students from Vocational High Schools

指導教授 : 陳秀玉


為使教育目標達成,教育界的相關研究多重視個人學習能力及學習傾向的不同。本研究的目的,即在探討在校生技能檢定成效與學生本身學習行為之間的關聯性,並試著了解學生本身的個人背景,是否會與學習行為及技能檢定成效有所關聯。 本研究對象為高職餐飲科三年級學生,採問卷調查法,共發出450份問卷,回收413份有效問卷,問卷有效回收率為88%。資料分析方法以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、交叉分析進行研究探討。研究結果發現:檢定考試的結果對「學習動機」、「學習態度」與「學習環境」是有影響力的,已考取證照的學生動機目標較明確,所以受到的影響力也較大。再者,在學習態度與學習環境方面,可得知檢定結果是有影響到學習的態度和環境,也就表示有良好的學習態度可提升考取證照的機率,因此若學生將考取檢定做為主要的學習目標及動機,進而去改變學習態度,並和同學互相學習討論,進而產生好的學習環境,相信通過檢定考的比例機會更大幅提昇。


To achieve the educational goal, there are many related studies which think highly of adaptive learning with students’ talents, that is, emphasize more on personal learning ability and the difference in learning orientation. The purpose of this study aims to discuss with the difference between skill test efficiency and students’ learning behavior and also try to realize whether students’ personal background is related to skill test efficiency and learning behavior. The data were collected through questionnaire investigation from a sampling of 3rd graders at vocational high schools who major in food and beverage management in Kaohsiung. A total of 450 students were sampled, 413 valid questionnaires retrieved and the effective return rate was approximately 91%. The data was analyzed by independent sample T test, one-way ANOVA and crosstab. The findings were summarized as follows: “learning motivation”, “learning attitude” and “learning enviroment” were influencial to the result of skill cetification test. In other words, these variates had a stronger influence on students who passed skill certification test than the ones who didn’t pass. Moreover, students who passed skill certification test had definite motivation and goal. Furthermore, for the learning attitude and learning enviroment, the result of skill certification test had influence over learning attitude and enviroment. That means students who learn with good attitudes and in a great enviroment have a higher chance of passing skill certification test. Therefore, if students decide to set their objective of passing the skill certification test as their motivation, also change their learning attitudes, discuss questions with their classmates and produce good learning enviroment, it is believed that the rate of passing skill certification test will be increasing dramatically.


葉孺萱(2006)。高級中等教育美容科實施美容相關職類技能檢定訓練之有 效方法。親民學報,12,179-190。


dothuhang(2013)。越南高職餐飲管理科學生 專業能力與學習滿意度相關之研究〔碩士論文,國立屏東科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2013.00214
