  • 學位論文


Psychiatrists working stress, leisure participation and personal life happiness feelings of research

指導教授 : 朱文增


本研究的目的在瞭解國內精神科醫師的工作壓力、休閒參與和個人生活幸福感受之相互關係。本研究共回收有效問卷173份,於2009年3月1日至2009年4月30日期間,以立意抽樣法來進行調查。主要的研究發現為: 一、精神科醫師在整體的工作壓力的平均數為3.10,分別以女性醫師、30~34歲族群、已婚者、任職於公立醫院、工作區域為東部和離島地區的醫師、服務於醫學中心、職級以住院醫師和總醫師及臨床研究員、工作年資為4~6年、尚未具有專科醫師資格的醫師、工作於急性or慢性+日間病房+會診+門診者、門診看診1次/週者、值班次數7~8次/月者,所感受到的壓力為最大。 二、最大工作壓力來源為研究教學構面,進一步做項目分析,顯示出以準備醫院的評鑑工作的壓力指數為最大。整體的工作壓力以女性醫師的壓力大於男性醫師。 三、在整體個人生活幸福感受方面,除了在自我信心構面的指數較低外,對於生活滿意、自我肯定及主觀幸福感均感到良好。 四、對於國內休閒的活動意願和實際參與方面,都以1次/天的視聽活動類的比例為最高。但運動活動類在實際參與上,則由1次/週的休閒活動意願降低為1次/月的實際休閒參與,有偏低的趨勢。 五、對於每月平均國內休閒支出為5,001~10,000元/月為最多,每年平均國外旅遊次數為1次/年為最普遍,每年平均國外旅遊支出為30,001元~50,000元/年為最高。 六、對於參與國外的旅遊活動,並不會降低工作上的壓力。但有參與國內休閒活動的精神科醫師會感到比較幸福。 七、男性醫師對於生活的滿意度高過於女性醫師,而且年齡越大、從事精神科工作越久的醫師,對於生活幸福的滿意感受也越好。值班次數的多寡並不會影響幸福感受的程度。工作壓力越大者,對生活的滿意程度越好,也越感到幸福快樂。


The purpose of this study was to understand psychiatrists working stress, leisure participation and personal happiness feelings inter-relationships. This study recovery valid questionnaire 173, in 2009, on 1 March and 30 April 2009, to be contemplating the sampling method to carry out investigations. Major study found that is : 1. Psychiatrists in the overall average of the working stress, 3.10. Respectively women psychiatrists, 30 -34 years, married, works in public hospitals, Eastern and outlying areas of psychiatrists, medical centers, residencies and control residencies and clinical researchers, length of service for 4-6 years, has not yet have a medical specialist qualifications of psychiatrists and works in acute or chronic ward & consultation & out-patient, out-patient 1 time/week, on duty 7-8 time/month who feel stress to maximum. 2. The origin of the maximum working stress facets for research and teaching, further to do project analysis, showing to prepare the work of the hospital evaluation to maximum stress indices. The overall work under stress to the stress of female psychiatrists is greater than male psychiatrists. 3. Within the overall personal happiness feelings aspects, in addition to the self-confidence in the lower component texture surface index, for life satisfaction, self-esteem and subjective well-being are feeling good. 4. For the wishes of the domestic leisure activities and actual participation, have 1 time/day of the proportion of audiovisual activities class as the most high. But campaign activities on the actual participation in the class, by 1 time/week to the wishes of leisure activity reduced to 1 time/month for actual leisure participation, showing have low trend. 5. Average of domestic leisure spending 5,001 - 10, 000 NT/month to a maximum, average annual overseas tourism to 1 time/year for the most common, the annual average of foreign travel expenditures is 30,001 - 50,000 NT/year as the highest. 6. For participation in overseas tourist activities, and will not reduce the stress at work. But there have been involved in domestic leisure activities of psychiatrists will feel comparison happiness. 7. Male psychiatrists for living a high degree of satisfaction than female psychiatrists. The older psychiatrists, engaged in psychiatric work longer psychiatrists, for the feelings of well-being are satisfactory to the better. On duty time does not affect the extent of happiness feelings. The greater of working stress who feel life satisfaction better and well-being happier too.




