  • 學位論文


The Decision-Making Analysis of National Palace Museum Southern Branch:A Case Study

指導教授 : 黃光男 郭生玉


本研究目的在於探討影響故宮南院各階段決策的因素及其過程。為了達到此目的,提出四個主要研究問題,一是故宮南院設置起因及選址條件,二是決策過程經歷的外部矛盾,三是策執行所受限制與困難,四是決策改變如何發生等四個議題。研究主要採取深入訪談法蒐集資料,訪談對象係以故宮及嘉義縣政府的五位關鍵人士為主。再透過紮根理論分析有關概念,建立決策歷程的完整架構,由此獲得以下四個研究結論。第一、故宮南院之設置選址繫於認同國家政策及競爭優勢:中央政府換黨執政,引進南北平衡新政策、認同台灣,及新博物館經營觀,以回饋選民並換取後續支持。第二、故宮所持目標與地區之主張產生落差:故宮主文化教育優先而觀光為輔之經營觀,嘉義則以觀光經濟優先發展,文化可潛移默化,兩者有明顯差異。第三、故宮內部整合與外部分工的問題導致效能不彰:南院籌設過程面臨知識經驗不足、內外部資源整合,以及與地區分工不均之難題,進度因而延宕。第四、政黨競爭導致故宮南院決策的對立:中央再度換黨執政,產生新的政策、認同中國與博物館資源集中之經營觀,南院決策亦隨之變動。再加上與嘉義之間的政黨競爭,後續決策考量變得更形複雜。 以上經由訪談關鍵對象所獲內容分析之結果,輔以蒐集文件資料之比較,再根據有關理論之闡釋討論,試圖發展出一套整合模式。在民主制度層級組織下,政府以政策換取民眾支持,以獲得主持政府管理資源之權力,因此將同黨共謀生存作為施政目標。基此,行政院代表中央,與地方政府進行資源交換,以故宮南院交換嘉義選票,並且納入國家觀光政策之中。而執行責任包括南院軟硬體建設及周邊開發,則落在內閣的故宮博物院身上。此時故宮受限於中央團隊之決策,在不及獲取適當資源整合內外,周詳規劃之前,便須在任期之內進行。導致後續籌設階段因缺乏工程法令或國際合作之經驗知識,而遭遇障礙。與嘉義之間,也因制度所限的分工及後者投入態度等,加上不及理解國際旗艦博物館與地區再生之合作模式,配合國內制度調整後實施,這些原因均提高故宮南院籌設過程的難度。此外,再度換黨執政,更因中央與地方執政黨在競爭生存與國族認同,以及經營觀念之差異,為南院後續決策增加複雜的變數。 綜上分析,本研究整合出「故宮南院決策歷程分析:制度與權力變動下的有限理性模式」作為總結。該模式主要是有關公立博物館與政府組織之間,因制度與資源依賴所致之權力關係互動,進而影響決策的一種動態模式。探討國內研究鮮少涉及,有關博物館經營決策受到政治、經濟、文化等因素影響及其過程。其中,影響決策因素之間的關聯包括:民主政治層級制度決定政府機構間的競合關係,且決定相對權力的優劣勢,進而影響博物館決策。而且,以上決策歷程所反映的制度變革受到四種限制,包括層級制度決定機構位置及其行動,制度養成習慣會侷限組織制度變革的成效,決策前後目標並不一致且須同時兼顧多重目標,前階段決策會侷限後階段決策的變動範圍等。並由此發現,故宮籌備南院遇挫之關鍵係在於:未能掌握各決策階段多重目標及手段,並預作規劃。而且在整體計畫未及完成之前,便倉促進行。基此,本決策模式,若能將兼顧多重目標納入決策考量,可做為其他公立博物館或政府機構,推動制度變革時的決策參考。


The purpose of this research is to probe into the factors affecting the decision-making of National Palace Museum Southern Branch at each stage and how they worked. In order to reach the purpose, there are four research questions to be posed. First, what were the reasons for establishing National Palace Museum Southern Branch and what were the conditions of site selection? Secondly, what were the external conflicts encountered during the process of decision-making? Thirdly, what were the constraints and difficulties it had when executing the decision-making. Fourthly, how was the decision-making changed? In the research, the information and data was mainly collected by in-depth interviews. The research participants of this interview are the five key men in the National Palace Museum Southern Branch and Chiayi County Government. The research analyzes the related concepts through grounded theory and to build a completed structure for the decision-making. Thus, there are four research results obtained. First, the decision-making of NPMSB depended on the identity of national policy and was won by the region with competitive advantages: After the Party Alternation (turnover) of the central government, new policies were adopted to balance the North-South development. And, the concept of Taiwan Identity and the notions of new museology were also proposed to feedback the voters for winning their continuous support. Secondly, the goals of National Palace Museum were very different from those of local government. National Palace Museum claimed that their ideas of management were major in cultural education and minor in tourism while the Chiayi government thought the development of tourism economy should take precedence over the culture. There’s an obvious difference between them. Thirdly, the problems caused by internal integration and the division of labor between NPM and local government made it ineffective. NPM faced the problem of lacking knowledge and experience, the problem of internal and external resource integration and the problem of unbalanced division of labor between NPM and local government when planning to establish NPMSB. Thus, it caused delay. Fourth, the inter-party competition caused the confrontation of the decision-making: The central government of second turnover brought in the new policy, China identity and the museum management of concentration resource. And this made the decision-making of NPMSB change. Besides, the political competition between central government and the local government of Chiayi also made the further considerations of the decision-making more complicated. This research tries to develop an integrative model through the results got in the analysis of the interviews with the key men, through the comparison of collected documents, and also with the help of the interpretation of related theories. Under the bureaucracy of democratic system, the government used policies in exchange for people’s support and got the power to control the resource management, and thus, took survival-seeking of the government at all levels that ruled by the same party as its policy purpose.. Based on this purpose, Executive Yuan, on behalf of central government, exchanged the resource with local government. They exchanged the policy of NPMSB for votes of Chiayi and brought it into national tourism policy. The executive responsibility including hard and soft infrastructure and its peripheral development was undertaken by the cabinet, National Palace Museum. Meanwhile, the project of NPMSB, restricted to the decision-making of central team, had to be proceeded during the term of office under the situation of lacking enough resources for internal and external integration and without a comprehensive plan. This made the process of executing the project encounter obstacles in the later stages of planning and construction because of lacking the experience and knowledge of engineering and related regulations or international cooperation. The cooperation between NPM and local government also increased the difficulties of NPMSB project because of the unbalanced division of labor (between NPM and local government) caused by the institution and Chiayi government’s behavior for being engaged in this project. Besides, lack of understanding the cooperation model between an international flagship museum and region regeneration for coordinating the domestic system and putting it into practice after some adjustment could be the other reason. Additionally, the second turnover of central power also increased the complicated variables for the further decision-making of NPMSB for reasons of different notions of survival in the political competitions, national identity and museum management between central and local ruling party. This research, with integration of above mentioned analysis, draws a conclusion Of “The Decision-Making Analysis of National Palace Museum Southern Branch: The Bounded Rational Model under the change of the institution and the power”. The Bounded Rational Model is a dynamic model, mainly about the interaction and power relationship between a public museum and the government organization brought because of the institution and resource dependence, coming to influence the decision-making. The influence factors include the decision-making of museum management influenced by politics, economics and culture and its process, which the domestic researches rarely touch. Besides, the relationship among the factors influencing the decision-making is that the bureaucracy decides the competition and cooperation relationships among the government apparatus and it decides the advantages and disadvantages of the relative power. And then, it comes to influence the decision-making of the museum. The institutional change caused by above-mentioned process of decision-making has four limits: First, the bureaucracy decides the position of an institution and its acts. Secondly, habits formed in an organization constrain the range of institutional change. Thirdly, the goals are incompatible at each stage of decision-making and multiple goals have to be taken into consideration. And fourthly, the previous decision will constrain the change of the later one. Thus, we can get a clue that the key of the frustration NPMSB had is because the multiple goals and related means at each stage of decision-making are not handled well for planning in advance. Proceeding the project in rush before completing the whole plan is the other reason. Based on this, we can see, in the decision-making model, if the multi-goals and related means can be taken into consideration at each stage, it will be a good example for other public museums or government apparatus to advocate an institutional change.


