  • 學位論文


A Study on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Administrative Staffs in Public Symphony Orchestras in Taiwan -the Case of Taipei Symphony Orchestra

指導教授 : 何康國


組織承諾為組織與員工之間相互連結的信念,工作滿意度則是個人對工作的付出以及相對的回饋。在組織中,管理階層若能貫徹組織承諾並且確實掌握員工的工作滿意度,將有助於人力資源的規劃與管理,增進工作效能與提高生產,以達到永續之經營。從事表演藝術領域之行政人員有別於一般組織員工,除基本行政工作能力外,還須具備表演藝術領域之專業知識或技能,以及企劃行銷之專才。綜觀國內對於組織內部行為與人力資源管理之相關研究繁多,然而以表演藝術團隊為議題之人力資源研究仍不足-特別是公部門行政部門的人力資源研究。   本研究以質性的研究方式,透過文獻探討與北市交行政人員之深度訪談,研究與分析公部門交響樂團行政人員之組織承諾與工作滿意程度,及其對組織造成之影響。根據研究結果顯示,由於公務制度對藝術行政之限制,以及組織內部目標與方向不明確,工作程序混亂不公,造成行政人員之工作滿意度偏低,對於組織之承諾則由薪資等外在報酬以及對組織價值之認同為主要支持,最終造成工作努力意願降低,且離職傾向偏高。於此,提出本研究建議,包含調整工作制度與程序並提升自我行政能力、建立適切之考核與回饋制度、建立並落實專業人事任用制度與資格,以及訂定明確且適當之組織目標。期望藉由工作滿意度與組織承諾之改善,提升公部門交響樂團組織之效能與價值,達到健全且長久之經營。


Organizational commitment is the conviction which links organization and staffs, then devotion and feedback of the staff is the job satisfaction. If the managerial level in an organization could implement the organizational commitment as well as the job satisfaction of the staffs, then it will help the plan of human resources and management meanwhile it will boost the efficiency and productivity. Administrative officials in performing arts differ from general organization staffs, except the basic administrative ability, they must own the both skills and profession of performing arts as well as marketing skills. There are plenty of researches and studies related to organizational behavior and human resources, however, the issue of human resources in performing arts field is still not adequate, especially, the research in the administration department. This research is based on qualitative research method, through the literature review and in-depth interviews with the administrative officials of Taipei Symphony Orchestra, to study and analyze the organizational commitment and job satisfaction of the administrative officials in the public symphony orchestra and the effect to the organization. Based on the study, owing to the public system usually limits arts administration and the unspecific goal, plus the chaos and unfair of the working procedure, cause the satisfaction of administrative officials is low, and the organizational commitment is supported by extrinsic rewards and the organizational identification, finally, the officials were not willing to work hard and cause high resignation rate. Here, this research proposes some suggestions which includes adjusting the working system and procedure, establishing appropriate inspection and feedback system, employing qualified professional officials, moreover, setting the specific aim for the organization is also important. To achieve an integrity and long lasting management, we expect that by improving job satisfaction and organizational commitment, so that increasing the efficiency and value of public symphony orchestra organization.




