  • 學位論文


The art research of Taiwan traditional Yi-Ge

指導教授 : 李乾朗


台灣傳統藝閣萌芽於中國大陸,自清代隨著先民移居的腳步於台灣成長茁壯, 歷經了不同的年代,發展出與大陸地區截然不同的藝術形式。 本文第二章探討藝閣自清代開始,是台灣廟會或節慶活動中常見的民俗藝陣 項目之一,但歷經日治時期、光復後發展至今,全台目前每年仍維持由真人扮演 故事人物的傳統藝閣競賽,最後以北港地區媽祖誕辰繞境的藝閣遊行最負盛名的 歷史因素。第三章與第四章從藝術研究的角度,將台灣傳統藝閣分別從軟硬體兩 方面來探究藝閣之美。 第三章的台閣藝術分析從清朝的台閣、日治時期的詩意閣,到光復後依運行工 具的變化而形成的藝閣閣車,其外型皆為藝師依載體大小而創造出不同形式的藝閣 閣牆,融合了傳統的工藝與彩繪,甚至是閣牆構造中的紙糊人偶,都仿造廟宇建築 的精神,建構一台會移動的古典建築。 第四章的藝閣人物分析,分析藝閣主題的佈局與角色的關聯性;同時,扮演 藝閣的角色造型,因為參考自當代所流行的戲曲人物扮相,因此藝閣角色的裝扮亦 象徵當時戲曲服裝及容妝的流行趨勢。並藉著屢獲北港朝天宮藝閣競賽優勝的藝師 金國銓歷年得獎作品的主題與人物佈局,了解傳統藝閣應該被維護的方向以及值得 參考的用心之處。 關鍵字:傳統藝閣、藝閣藝術、金國銓


傳統藝閣 藝閣藝術 金國銓


Taiwan Traditional Yi-Ge was originated from Mainland China, but it was developed with ancient immigrants from Qing dynasty in Taiwan. Being through different ages, the art form of Yi-Ge has been very unique compared to Mainland China. The second chapter of the thesis contains Yi-Ge as one of the most common folk art parade in Taiwan temple fiesta or festival activity. Being through the Japanese occupation, recovery from the occupation till now, the traditional Yi-Ge competitions playing story characters by real people are still retained. The most famous one is Yi-Ge parade of Ma Zu’s birthday in Bei Gang area. This chapter will treat the historical factor of the phenomenon. Chapter three & four discusses the beauty of Taiwan traditional Yi-Ge by inner and outer side from perspective of art research.Chapter three analyzes Tai-Ge of Qin dynasty, Shi Yi Ge during the Japanese occupation, and Yi-Ge vehicle formed by the changing of transportation after recovering from the occupation. The shape of Yi-Ge vehicle was created into different kinds of Yi-Ge appearance by Yi-Ge artists with carrier’s size, mixed with traditional craft and color painting.Even the paper puppets in Yi-Ge appearance construction imitate the spirit of temple architecture, becoming a movable classic architecture. Chapter four includes the analysis of Yi-Ge theme layout and relations among characters. At the same time, the cosmetic modeling design of Yi-Ge characters refer to contemporary popular drama characters’ style. Therefore, the design also reflects the fashion trend of drama’s make-up & costume then. Besides, the chapter four consists of the direction of maintaining traditional Yi-Ge and great worth for reference by the outstanding artist Jin Guo-quan’s award-winning work in Bei-Gang Chao Tien Temple Yi-Ge Competition. Keyword:Traditional Yi-Ge、The Art of Yi-Ge、Jin Guo-quan


4. 莊于寬,〈1930年代台灣藝旦的音樂活動─以《三六九小報》為主要文獻分析〉,台灣大學音樂學研究所碩士論文,2004。
6. 陳瑜詩,〈民俗文化的傳承與創新─日治以來台灣藝閣的發展(1895~2007)〉,台灣師範大學歷史研究所碩士論文,2007。
1、河內沙門白法祖譯,《佛般泥洹經》《大正藏》第一冊 阿含部類〈卷2〉。



