  • 學位論文


Estimation of Utility Ratio among Floors of a High-rise Building, with a Special Reference to the Effect of Building Age on Utility Ratio

指導教授 : 林子欽


本研究檢視比較法中一個很重要的基礎--樓層別效用比率(utility ratio for each floor),並以特徵價格法(hedonic price method)為依據,建立大廈住宅價格模型。依照模型的檢定結果,去探討兩個概念:首先,高層(high-rise)與低層(low-rise)建物中的同一層樓,兩者是否有明顯價差?例如,民眾是否願意對總樓高為7層樓以及12層樓之中的5樓支付相同的價格?其次,探討各樓層價差是否會隨著屋齡的增加而有所影響?此外,嘗試建立不同屋齡範圍之樓層別效用比率表。最後,藉由該表探討屋齡對於樓層別效用比之影響,進而給予相關之建議。 實證結果發現,首先,同一所在樓層位於低層建物之價格較高層建物來得高,換言之,同樣是第5層樓,位於總樓高為7層樓的價格會高於位於總樓高為12層樓之價格;其次,實務上應依照不同總樓高分別建立樓層別效用比率表,而屋齡對於樓層別效用比之影響程度雖不若總樓高明顯,但仍應依照新成屋與中古屋分別建立兩套樓層別效用比率表,否則估計出來的值會所偏誤;最後,隨著屋齡的增加,樓層間的價格差異會逐漸縮小,此乃因建物會隨著屋齡增加而折舊,故建物佔總價的比例亦會逐漸縮小所致。


The purpose of this paper is to examine one important foundation of sales comparison approach, that is, utility ratio among building floors. Hedonic price methods are applied to establish a model for high-rise buildings. Based on the results of the models, we address two questions. First, is there any significant price difference for the same floor of a high-rise and a low-rise building, respectively? For instance, will the households be paying a price for a unit on 5th floor of a 7-storey building different from a unit also on the 5th floor but of a 12-storey building? Second, will the price difference among floors change with the increase of building age? In addition, we attempt to establish a table of utility ratio among floors for buildings of various age cohorts. Finally, we use the table to examine the effects of building age on utility ratio among floors and based on which we then provide further policy suggestions. Summarize the research findings. First,the price for the same floor of a low-rise building is higher than a high-rise building. In other words, a price for a unit on 5th floor of a 7-storey building is more expensive than a unit also on the 5th floor but of a 12-storey building. Second, Practical work should establish a table of utility ratio among floors for buildings of various storeys, and although the effect of the building age upon utility ratio among floors is not as obvious as the storey, but it still needs to establish a table of utility ratio among floors for the pre-owned house and the new-owned house, respectively, or the evaluated value would be biased. In the end, the price difference among floors diminish with the increase of building age, it is because that improvements will depreciate with increase of the building age, so the improvements percentage of the housing price will diminish.


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