  • 學位論文


The Influences of Built Environment on the Mode Choice for Transit Access: An Empirical Study of Metro Nangang Line in Taipei

指導教授 : 林楨家


捷運系統是都會區重要的運輸系統,藉由捷運系統的興建與服務,可提昇都市生活的環境品質。但由於捷運系統的興建所費不貲,僅能提供主要運輸走廊的旅運服務,故難以提供及門服務,因此需要其他運具來進行接駁。雖然步行與公車是目前台北捷運系統主要的轉乘運具,但是各站間轉乘運具分配比例差異很大,並且自行車轉乘比例相當小,如果能將使用自行車的轉乘比例增加,就可藉由自行車將捷運系統的服務範圍擴大,又或者將使用機動運具的比例轉成綠色運具,對於空氣污染和交通壅塞等問題也有正面幫助。因此如何藉由建成環境的改善,讓旅客選擇綠色運具轉乘捷運即是本研究的主要動機。   本研究之目的在於了解建成環境對捷運轉乘運具選擇之影響,並以問卷調查和個體選擇模式等方法進行實證分析。首先,針對相關文獻分成「建成環境對運具選擇之影響」與「轉乘旅運之運具選擇」兩個主題進行回顧,繼而進行個案訪談以及提出理論假說。為了驗證假說關係,選擇台北捷運南港線之西門站、忠孝新生站、忠孝敦化站和永春站等四個車站做為本研究的調查空間範圍,以旅客之問卷調查做為樣本,實際了解旅客的旅運行為。並將問卷調查的資料以羅吉特模式進行分析,藉以驗證先前提出之假說關係。最後,根據實際結果,探討鼓勵綠色轉乘運具的建成環境規劃策略。   實證結果發現,在進站旅次中,人口密度、路口密度、銀行數量對非機動運具為正影響,而及業密度、運具多樣性指標、捷運站距離對非機動運具為負影響;及業密度、街廓規模、自行車道長度、道路長度對大眾運具為正影響,而人口密度、建物密度、停車空間對大眾運具為負影響。出站旅次中,人口密度、建物密度、公車站距離、商店數量、西門站對非機動運具為正影響,而及業密度、道路車輛密度、土地混合使用比例熵值、運具多樣性指標、道路長度對非機動運具為負影響;及業密度對大眾運具為正影響,而道路車輛密度對大眾運具為負影響。透過實證分析的影響關係與鼓勵捷運轉乘旅客使用綠色運具之目標,研擬出四項都市規劃策略供相關單位參考:(一)街廓規模大小混合設置,並於大型街廓留設非機動運具通道,小街廓加強號誌管制;(二)避免土地過度混合使用,而以住宅、娛樂商業、餐飲業、零售業使用為主;(三)持續規劃興建捷運路網,提高捷運車站500公尺環域範圍涵蓋面積;(四)於適當地區或捷運廊道減少劃設道路面積與停車位數量。


The mass rapid transit (MRT) is an important transport system in urban areas because that the constructions and services of MRT enhance the environmental quality of urban life. However, developing MRT is costly and only serving major transport corridors. It needs feeder systems for MRT to provide door to door services. Walking and taking bus are two major modes for accessing MRT stations in Taipei now, but significant differences of modal split exist among MRT stations and biking is unpopular to be used for accessing MRT stations. Increasing bike uses could expand service coverage of MRT; and, replacing motorized trips with non-motorized trips should decrease air pollutions and traffic congestions. Thus the main motivation for this study is how to reform built environments to encourage MRT passengers to use green transport modes to access MRT stations. The purpose of this study is to empirically explore the influences of built environments on the mode choice for transit access by using questionnaire survey and discrete choice models. The study began with reviewing literatures on two topics: "built environment impacts on mode choice" and "mode choice for transit access". Then case interviews were employed to develop theoretical hypotheses. To verify the proposed hypotheses, this study used the passengers of Ximen station, Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station, Zhongxiao Dunhua Station and Yongchun station along Taipei MRT Nangang Line as study samples. The logit models were employed to analyze the sample data and to examine the hypotheses. Finally, based on the empirical results, numerous built environment planning strategies were proposed to enhance green transport mode uses for transit access. The empirical results of entering station trips show that population density, intersection density and number of banks increase non-motorized mode uses; employee density, transport mode diversity and distance to MRT stations decrease non-motorized transport mode uses; employee density, block size, bikeway length and road length increase bus uses; and, population density, building density and parking space decrease bus uses. For leaving station trips, population density, building density, distance to bus stops, number of shops and Ximen station increase non-motorized transport mode uses; employee density, vehicle density, mixed land uses, transport mode diversity and road length decrease non-motorized transport mode uses; employee density increases bus uses; and, vehicles density decreases bus uses. According to the empirical results and the goal of encouraging green transport mode uses, this study proposed the following planning strategies: (1) developing blocks by mixed sizes, providing walkways and bikeways in large blocks and strengthening signal controls in small blocks; (2) majorly mixing land uses by residential, commercial entertainment, dining and retail uses and avoiding excessive mixing of land uses; (3) continuously developing MRT networks to enlarge service coverage of MRT stations; and, (4) appropriately decreasing road spaces and parking spaces along MRT corridors.


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吳欣祐(2013)。大眾運輸導向發展下低碳城市規劃設計策略之研究 -以新北市板橋站為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-2811201315134800
