  • 學位論文


Evaluating Taiwanese University Student Research&Study in Taiwanese Enterprise in China.

指導教授 : 陳明璋


由於我國大學廣設,但是近年來,大學畢業生失業率不斷的攀高,再加上由於全球 化時代的來臨,台管院與大陸台商企業聯合舉辦台灣大學生到大陸台商企業研習,讓學生 認識、了解大陸文化,同時學習台商打拼的精神。 本研究目的在於了解海外研習的文化衝擊及文化適應以及對海外研習滿意度的學習 成效。首先,以量化中的描述性統計及交叉分析了解樣本的結構,並透過深度訪談的方式 ,邀約台管院輔導老師與台灣大學生,來探討此研習對台灣大學生職涯規劃的影響。 本研究以下發現: 一、 整體而言,台灣大學生對於大陸台商企業研習是非常滿意的,參與台管院的海外研習 計畫,讓學生認識職場,體驗大陸生活文化,也會未來職涯規劃選擇中, ,提高到大陸工作的意願。 二、台灣大學生透過海外文化的適應,強化良好的學習態度以及增加國際競爭力。 基於上述研究發現,提供後續研究建議: 一、 鼓勵學校老師也可以積極地參與海外研習,讓老師所傳授的課程能符合業界需求,並 鼓勵學生除了學校課業顧好之外,畢業前參與相關與所學的研習計畫,讓學生在步入社會前 ,了解市場趨勢以及自己的潛能與興趣,建立未來的職涯規劃,達到學用合一的可能性。 二、 針對研究結果,鼓勵台灣大學生在畢業前,積極參與海外研習,為期六周的海外學習 體驗,讓學生除了可以認識中國,開拓視野,將學校所學的理論與實務結合,並為就業前做 準備,增加職場的競爭力。


Due to the factors of economic recession, rising deployment rates among the college graduate student and globalization, MIT has cooperated with enterprise, providing students with research&study. This policy does not help students with further understanding China, but also realizing the spirits of those companies. This study aims at evaluating the culture shock and culture adaption of such overseas research&study and those participants’ learning result. First of all, it adopts descriptive statistics and cross analysis which are in quantitative research ways to analyze the structures of the sample. It also evaluates the whole influences of such activity on Taiwanese students’ career arrangements by in-depth interview those students and their tutors in school. Here are the findings: Firstly, basically those who college participants are satisfied with the research&study experience in Taiwanese enterprise in Mainland. By taking part in such research&study, students will be more familiar with work environment, experience life in Mainland, and rise personal willing to work in China. Second, by doing overseas research&study, Taiwanese students learn how to adapt abroad culture, manage interpersonal relations, and reinforce their learning motivation as well as competitive ability. Based on these, this study provides two suggestions: First, there should be more opportunities for school teachers to take part in similar plans, by which they will have more understandings of current needs of industries. In addition, for students if they have more such opportunities to participate in such events, they will further know more trends about the market and their aptitudes and thus build their career schedule as soon as possible. Second, by joining in such 6-week overseas research&study before their graduation, students will further broaden their views and combine what they learn from school and practical experience, and thus have more competitive abilities as applying for vacancy.


