  • 學位論文


The Effect of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Performance in Small and Medium Enterprise

指導教授 : 余光華


近年來,人力資源管理的相關議題在管理學界被廣泛地討論。然其研究範圍人力資源管理活動與組織績效間的關聯性亦在許多實證研究中被證實,但若要有充分證據以證實人力資源管理活動與組織績效間的因果關聯性,針對人力資源管理活動影響組織績效的中介變項進行研究是有必要的。本研究即在探討人力資源管理活動如何透過對於人力資源結果的提昇效果,進而對組織績效造成影響。本研究問題是探討台灣中小企業人力資源管理活動、人力資源結果與組織績效三者之間的關係,經由文獻之引用及實務上之現狀觀察,發現三者之間的關係有必要進一步釐清。 本研究透過問卷調查收集資料,共回收165份有效員工問卷與143份有效主管問卷樣本,並進一步以統計分析,包括:因素分析、多元迴歸分析、以及變異數分析進行主管及員工之分析比較。研究結果如下: 一、人力資源管理活動與人力資源結果確實有顯著的正向關係。 二、人力資源結果與組織績效只有部份成立。 三、人力資源管理活動與組織績效確實有顯著的正向關係。 四、中介變項人力資源結果對人力資源管理活動與組織績效關係的中介效果只有部份成立。


Recently, human resource management and related issues are widely discussed in the management field. Although many empirical studies have demonstrated the relevance between human resource management practices and organizational performance, the causal relation between them should be verified by testing the moderating variable. The aim of the research is to analyze how human resource management practices improve its effectiveness through human resource outcomes and then make substantial influence on organizational performance. After detailed literature review and thoroughly observations of the present situation of the small and medium enterprises in Taiwan, it is necessary to further study the relationships among human resource management practices, human resource outcomes, and organizational performance. In the research, data was gathered by distributing questionnaires to employees and managers. There were 308 valid questionnaires returned including 165 responses from employees and 143 responses from managers. Consequently, analytic methods including factor analysis, multiple regressions and variance analysis were conducted to compare the data received from employees and managers respectively. Finally, the conclusions are listed as follows: 1.There are significant positive relationship between human resource management practices and human resource outcomes. 2.The relationships between human resource outcomes and organizational performance are partially supported. 3.There are significant positive relationship between human resource management practices and organizational performance. 4.The moderating effects (human resource outcomes) between human resource management practices and organizational performance are partially support.


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【57】晁瑞明、徐暄淯、林妙冠、葉逸萱, “主要客戶管理探究知識密集服務產業工作者之數位學習成效研究-以知識分享型態、神迷經驗、人才績效構面觀點分析”,電子商務學報,第6卷第1期,2004年4月,第27-52頁。


