  • 學位論文


Exploring the Behavior Intention of Mobile Payment Using the UTAUT Model

指導教授 : 吳純慧


行動支付的出現將所有卡片、錢包與手機進行結合,並影響人們付費的習慣,使用智慧手機進行付款的方式已成為新興趨勢。然而,行動支付是一個相對較新的研究議題,且過去學者較少將行動支付使用者分為「已使用」與「尚未使用」,並針對行為意圖進行研究。因此本研究主要以整合性科技接受模式為基礎,並結合信任以及知覺風險,目的在於了解影響「已使用」與「尚未使用」行動支付消費者行為意圖之因素差異。 本研究採用量化研究之問卷調查法蒐集研究資料,受測包含有使用過行動支付經驗之消費者與未曾使用行動支付的潛在消費者,並將回收問卷分為「已使用」與「尚未使用」,分別再以偏最小平方法(Partial Least Squares, PLS)分析與驗證理論架構模型。研究結果發現:(1)「已使用」行動支付消費者的績效期望、促成條件、知覺風險、信任對於行為意圖,具有正向顯著之影響效果;(2)「尚未使用」行動支付潛在消費者的績效期望、社會影響、信任對於行為意圖,具有正向顯著之影響效果;(3)社會影響會影響尚未使用行動支付的潛在使用者,但對已使用行動支付者沒有顯著影響;而知覺風險與促成條件會影響已使用行動支付消費者,然而不會影響尚未使用行動支付的潛在使用者。


Mobile payment is the combination of cards, wallets and mobile phones. Using smart phones making payment has become a new trend and it affects the payment habits of consumers. However, limited previous research studied on the difference of the behavioral intention between two groups of consumers who has used and has not used mobile payment. Therefore, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology is mainly used in this study as a research framework, combining with trust and perceived risk to understand the difference in factors of customer behavioral intentions of those "used" and "has not used" mobile payment. The quantitative research questionnaire was applied to collect research data from the research participants and divided them into two: has used or never used the mobile payment. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) was adopted to analyze the collected data and examine research hypotheses. Research results show that: the performance expectancy, facilitating condition, perceived risk and trust of the consumers who have used mobile payment has positive effects on their behavioral intentions; the performance expectancy, social influence and trust of consumers who have never used mobile payment have positive effects on their behavioral intentions.


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