  • 學位論文


Production Scheduling for Glassware Manufacturing Considering Carbon Emissions

指導教授 : 王啟泰


我國二氧化碳排放量主要來自工業製造部門,從2005年起,佔所有產業碳排量45%以上,且逐年上升,至2013已達到總碳排放的48.97%。在以工業出口為導向的台灣產業,勢必需面對被要求加入溫室氣體排放限制等基本條件,以達到企業永續發展及節能減碳之目標。 本研究主要探討屬於高能源密集工業中的傳統玻璃產業,並將碳排放管理加入生產規劃中討論,主要以基因演算法來進行玻璃廠生產排程規劃,建構一個最佳化模式,在第一階段計算總排程生產所排放之二氧化碳量,供公司選擇較佳的排程規劃進行生產,且由第一階段可看出二氧化碳的排放量與排程的完成總工時有非常密切之關係,若未來法規對於碳排放量有明確的限制後,公司可考慮以排程最短完成時間為生產手法,將會得到最小的二氧化碳排放量;第二階段則是將二氧化碳排放量加入目標值中,可知道若生產方只單純考慮延遲時間或是二氧化碳排放量,其成本將會比同時考慮兩者時來的大,因此公司可依自身需求考量因素之分配,以達到生產之餘並考慮社會發展的永續性,在未來若對於二氧化碳有更明確之定價時,也能夠提供管理者在生產成本上加入碳成本之考量。


Most carbon emissions in Taiwan come from the industrial sector. Since 2005, the emissions in industrial sector is more than 45% of the carbon emissions in all economic sectors. In 2003, it has reached 48.97%. In an industrial export-oriented country like Taiwan, globe government regulations about greenhouse gas emission limits and carbon reduction policies must be complied in order to achieve the objectives of sustainable development. This research considers carbon emissions for production scheduling of the glassware manufacturing, and uses genetic algorithm to construct a model. In first stage, the total amount of carbon emission from production scheduling are calculated to provide a better choice for production. After the model is constructed using GA, the carbon emission is found out to be associated with total completion time. This implies that a definite rule for carbon emission with total completion time can be considered by companies to obtain a minimum emission. In the second stage, carbon emission is considered in the optimal solution. Results have shown that considering both minimum total tardiness and carbon emission can reduce the production cost incurred by the company rather than considering either one of it. Hence, the company is suggested to follow an effective allocation considerations to achieve energy consumption and cost reductions. Managers can then use the standard price of carbon to control their production costs in the future.




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