  • 學位論文


The Relationship Among Motivation, Psychological Skills and Mental Toughness in Division-III Baseball Players of University Baseball League

指導教授 : 陳俊民


本研究目的旨在比較大專棒球聯賽一般組不同成績組別選手之運動動機、運動心理技能與特質運動心理堅韌性之差異,以及探討大專棒球一般組選手之運動動機、運動心理技能與特質運動心理堅韌性之關係。本研究以大專棒球一般組選手進行立意取樣,參與人數為289人,均為男性,平均年齡21.6歲,平均球齡為5.3年。以“運動員運動動機量表”、“運動員心理技能量表”與“特質運動心理堅韌性量表”為施測工具。資料處理以One-way MANOVA考驗差異性,並以典型相關分析探討變項間的相關性。研究結果顯示,不同成績組別的大專棒球一般組選手在運動參與動機上有顯著差異,未進級複賽組的內在動機高於另外兩組;而晉級複賽未晉級排名賽組在內射調節與無動機高於未晉級複賽組,在內射調節上高於其他兩組。而除了可教導性是未晉級複賽組高於另兩組外,其他的心理技能運用與整體心理堅韌性並無顯著差異。另外透過典型相關分析,發現大專棒球一般組選手之內在動機與積極奮鬥間有正相關,外在動機與抗壓性間具有正相關。當選手動機越強烈與壓力處理能力越佳時,越能展現積極奮鬥與抗壓性的特性;而選手接受指導的程度與參與棒球運動動機越高但缺乏面對逆境的能力時,雖能展現其積極奮鬥的態度,但在抗壓性上卻略顯不足。


The aims of this study were to investigate the differences of sport motivation, psychological skills and mental toughness within three groups depending on the different qualification stage results of university baseball league. Furthermore, it also investigated the relationships among players’ sport motivation, psychological skills and mental toughness. This study recruited 289 university baseball players, with average age of 21.6 years old. Players’ experience in baseball competitions were 5.3 years in average. Participants were characterized as unqualified teams, semi-final teams and final teams. Measurements had been applied to this study including Sport Motivation Scale, Athletic Psychological Skills Scale and Mental Toughness Scale. One-way MANOVA and Canonical Correlation found the multiple results that were shown as following. There were differences between groups in sport motivation; the intrinsic motivation in the unqualified teams was higher than other groups. The introjected regulation and amotivation in the semi-final teams were higher than the unqualified teams, and higher than other two groups in external regulation. Excepting the coachability, unqualified group was higher than the other groups; there were no differences between groups in terms of other psychological skills and all the mental toughness. The results of Canonical Correlation revealed the significant positive relationship between intrinsic motivation and positive effort, extrinsic motivation and anti-pressure.Referring to psychological skills, players with higher motivation and peaking under pressure and coping with adversity also had more positive effort and anti-pressure. Players who had higher coachability, motivation and less peaking under pressure and coping with adversity showed high positive effort, but lacking of pressure coping skills.


