  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蔡榮祥


在台灣酒醉駕駛所造成公共危險之死傷意外事故高居不下,且所引發社會問題及民、刑事訴訟案件,逐年的增加,不僅浪費司法資源,更增加了社會成本的負擔。「喝酒不開車,開車不喝酒」早已是大家朗朗上口的安全法則,標語到處可見。然而民間社會「尾牙聚餐、敬酒文化」之習性,仍讓不少駕駛者無視酒酣之後繼續開車的危險,可見社會上依然有人「心存僥倖」,都說「我沒醉,還可以開車」,或是認為「不會倒楣遇到警察」而繼續酒駕,顯見守法的觀念及對危險的認知不足,嚴重威脅到自己及他人生命、財產之安全。 政府制定道路交通管理處罰條例及刑法法規來嚴懲酒駕,如果只是為了消弭民怨,無法嚇阻酒駕文化,那是治標不治本的作法,除了嚴格的法規威嚇之外,更須要完整的配套。人性關懷教育與戒治輔導之措施,勸導酒駕者深刻反省與確實改進,為家庭、為別人、更為自己著想;「醉不上道」平安回家才是防制酒駕根本之道。 本研究以嘉義縣、市民眾因酒醉駕駛違反公共危險罪之被告 (受刑人) 10人、取締執行酒駕勤務警察1人、偵辦酒駕案件地檢署書記官1人、偵辦酒駕案檢察官1人、地方法院審理法官1人、地檢署執行科書記官1人、地檢署觀護人1人等,做質性之訪談共16人;籍由酒醉駕駛人 (受刑人) 一對一之方式、面對面來做深入訪談,找出個案之間問題的共同點。以酒駕者親身經歷與過程,了解其酒駕之因素、如何被查獲、為何再次酒駕被查獲,並與研究者本身實務經驗相結合,研究分析出如何影響酒駕之原因,及防制之道。 本研究發現酒駕案例者10人,以男性居多,女性1 人,教育程度則以國中 (小)者7 人為最高,其次是大學2 人,高中最少1 人,職業類別有退休老師、司機、鐵工、粗工、大樓管理員、服務業、建築業、美髮美容業;其中被警察查獲三次、四次的人最多,其教育程度都在國中(小)階段,工作內容為鐵工、管理員及美髮美容業,而喝酒之原因有與同事朋友聚餐、工地喝酒、心情不佳及工作關係須喝酒居多;且被查獲之原因多是「心存僥倖」,覺得不會那麼倒楣被警察查獲、不想花小錢叫「計程車」或麻煩家人來載;其次是對風險認知不足,也不知道要罰這麼重;再其次是法律教育宣導不夠,很多人不知道酒測值達每公升 0.25 毫克或血液中酒精濃度達百分之0.05w/v以上者,即違法刑法第 185 條之 3 規定,及道路交通管理處罰條例而被警察開單舉發。 本研究另訪談政府機關公務員,承辦酒駕案件之相關人員6人,警察1人、偵辦酒駕案件書記官1人、偵辦酒駕案件檢察官1人、受理審判法官1人、執行科執行書記官1人、觀護人1人,教育程度有碩士5人及大學1人。受訪者多認為第一次酒駕者,應給予自新機會,緩起訴處分或公益捐款之處罰,累犯者再聲請簡易判決處刑或起訴送審,且能區隔酒駕未肇事與有肇事,單純酒駕未肇事者給予較輕刑責,酒駕肇事者應加重其罰,以達嚇阻之效果;另一方面則從學校教育做起,法治教育、法律宣導、醉不上道、「酒駕零容忍」等全民共識,以達全面防制之效果。 從本研究分析與研究發現,對於酒醉駕駛公共危險之防制,提出下列預防之建議: 一、加強法治、教育宣導。 二、擴大臨檢、路檢執法。 三、提供便利大眾運輸工具。 四、酒駕第一次超過標準值(即每公升 0.25 毫克)處刑政罰法 (警察開單舉發),並給予自新機會,避免留   下前科之紀錄。酒駕第二次超過標準者則再處以刑法罰責。 五、餐廳或酒商應提供指定駕駛或代客叫車服務。 六、改善道路交通環境,如路面、路段、速限、標示、號誌、道安講習等等。 七、經常舉辦戒酒宣導活動及酒癮戒治場所設立。 八、自我控制管理意識,酒後不開車,不心存僥倖,犯罪代價遠超過想像,如此才能預防犯罪。 九、研議未來之計畫: 1、停車場提供酒測器: 開車前駕駛者先行酒測,是否有超過吐氣酒精濃度超過規定之標準如超過標準應避免再開車,停車場管理員並勸導勿酒醉駕駛。 2、酒味偵測器: 汽車或機車上能安裝酒味偵測器,當偵測器測出有酒味或達到一定之標準者,即刻會發出嗶嗶、嗶嗶警報聲,以提醒駕駛人勿酒醉開車。 3、酒測自動鎖: 當機器自動測到酒精濃度時,汽車或機車之自動鎖,即會立刻鎖住,讓車輛無法起動,避免酒醉駕駛危險發生。 4、自動車駕駛: 研究汽車自動駕駛,能用Google地圖輸入資料後,即能自動駕駛至輸入之目的地,減少酒醉駕駛發生危險事故。 5、都會大眾捷運系統: 建構都會大眾捷運系統,讓喝酒的人不必自行開車或騎機車,改搭大眾捷運交通工具,便利環保,同時降低酒駕案件發生。 6、解酒良藥研發: 可以研發,迅速降低酒精濃度之特效藥,促進新陳代謝,讓酒駕者先行服用解酒藥,馬上降低酒精濃度,不超過每公升 0.25 毫克標準值,而能安全駕駛上路。 7、酒醉態樣廣告宣傳: 在網路上或電視廣告上,宣傳播放酒醉後之醜態百出模樣,讓想喝酒的人以此做為警惕,不敢讓自己酒醉,有可能下一個人就是我自己上媒體新聞,以達嚇阻酒駕作用。 8、酒醉專車接送服務: 讓喝酒的人能夠花小錢保安全,搭乘專車接送到家裡或想到之目的地,避免被警察查獲,省下罰款金額,又可保平安,利人利己。


Drunken driving deaths and injuries caused by an accident in Taiwan's public danger remains high, and the social issues and civil and criminal litigation triggered, increased year by year, not only a waste of judicial resources, adds to the burden of social costs."Do not drink and drive, do not drink driving," has long been the safety rules everyone catchy slogans everywhere. Yet civil society "Beano dinner toast culture" habits, the danger still so many motorists continue driving after ignoring Jiuhan, it was still visible in the community, "luck."Said, "I did not drink, you can drive," or think "no unfortunate encounter police" continue to drunk driving, the concept of law-abiding obvious perception of risk and the lack of a serious threat to the safety of themselves and others, Property. Government to formulate Road Traffic Regulations on Administrative Penalties and Penal laws to punish drunk driving, if only to eliminate grievances, not to deter drunk driving culture, it is a palliative approach. In addition to the stringent regulations to intimidate, but need full support. Measures of education and physical therapy counseling humanity, persuasion drunk driving by deep introspection and indeed improve, for families, for others, the more their own sake."Drunk not on the road," home safely is the ultimate way to control drunk driving. In this study, Chiayi county, city people because of drunken driving in violation of the defendant's risk of common crime (inmates) 10 people, police banned perform one duty drunk driving, drunk driving cases Investigating Prosecutors Office clerk one person, one prosecutor for investigation of drunk driving case people, one district court judge, prosecutors' offices one executive branch of the Registry, Prosecutors Office probation one person so doing qualitative interviews with a total of 16 people; membership by drunken drivers (inmates) one pair one of the way to do in-depth face to face interviews to identify common problems between the cases.To drunk driving by personal experience with the process, to understand the factors that drunk driving are, how they are seized, why again drunk driving was seized, and combined with the researcher practical experience, research and analysis of how it affects the reasons drunk driving by, and control of the road. The study found that drunk driving cases were 10, mostly male, one female person, education places the country in the (small) by 7 people maximum, followed by the University for 2 people, high school at least one person, occupation retired teacher, driver, iron workers, unskilled, building administrators, services, construction, hair & Beauty; which police seized three times, up to four people, their level of education in the country in (small) stage, work content for the blacksmith, administrators and hair & Beauty, but there are reasons to drink with colleagues and friends of the dinner, site drinking, poor mood, and the majority of the working relationship shall drink;, and the reason was seized more than a "luck", that will not be so unlucky seized the police, do not want to Hua Xiaoqian called "taxi" or troublesome family to set; followed by lack of knowledge of the risk, do not know to be such a heavy penalty; then followed by the promotion of legal education is not enough, many people do not know the value of 0.25 milligrams of alcohol per liter of test or blood percent alcohol concentration of 0.05w / v or more, illegal Penal Code 3 of Article 185, and the road Traffic regulations on Administrative Penalties and held by the police to open a single hair. This study also interviews government agencies, contractor personnel drunk driving case of six people, police one, investigation of drunk driving cases clerk one person, investigation of drunk driving cases prosecutors one person, accepting the trial judge one person, the executive branch executive secretary of the official one, probation one person, there are five master's degree level of education and universities one person. Respondents were more than that for the first time drunk driving, should be given the opportunity rehabilitation, deferred prosecution or punishment punishment charity donations; recidivism by re-sentence summary judgment on a claim or suit to trial, and can not differentiate drunk driving accident and has accident, simple drunk driving did not give a lighter perpetrators criminally, drunk driving should aggravate the perpetrators punished, to achieve the effect of deterrence. On the other hand from the start of school education, legal education, legal advocacy, drunk not on the road, "zero tolerance for drunk driving," and other national consensus to achieve full control of the results. From this study, analysis and research found that for drunk driving prevention public danger, the prevention of the following suggestions: First, strengthen the rule of law, education, advocacy. Second, expand rummage, road inspection of law enforcement. Third, to provide convenient public transport. Fourth, drunk driving for the first time exceeded the standard value (ie, 0.25 mg per liter) sentence Administrative Penalty Act (police billing expositions), and given the opportunity to rehabilitation, to avoid leaving a record of previous convictions. The second drunk driving is longer than the standard imposed by the criminal law penalties responsibility. Fifth, restaurant or wine shall provide designated driver or valet car service. Sixth, improve road traffic environment, such as road, speed limit, signs, signals, road safety workshops and so on. Seven, often organized advocacy activities and alcohol drinking establishments set up physical therapy. Eight self-control management awareness, do not drink and drive, do not leave things to chance, crime costs far more than expected, So in order to prevent crime. Nine, deliberation future plans: 1, parking provided alcohol detector: Wine before driving test driver first, whether there is more than exhaled alcohol concentration exceeds the required standard as to avoid further than the standard car, parking administrator and advise not to drunken driving. 2, alcohol detectors: Can be mounted on a car or motorcycle alcohol detectors, detector measured when there is alcohol or who reach a certain standard, instantly will beep, beep alarm sound to alert the driver not to drive drunk. 3, alcohol test automatically locks: When the machine is automatically detected alcohol concentration, automatically lock the car or motorcycle, being immediately locked, so that the vehicle can not be started, to avoid the danger of drunken driving. 4, automatic car driving: Study of Automatic driving, Google Maps can input data to the destination that is able to enter the autopilot to reduce the risk of drunken driving accidents. 5, will mass rapid transit system: Construction of mass rapid transit system will allow people who drink do not have their own car or riding a motorcycle, Gaida mass transit transport facilitation and environmental protection, while reducing drunk driving cases. 6, hangover medicine research: Can develop rapidly reduce cure alcohol concentration, promote metabolism, so drunk driving by first taking the drug hangover, immediately reduce the alcohol concentration does not exceed 0.25 milligrams per liter standard values, and can drive safely on the road. 7, drunken state like advertising: On the internet or on television advertising, promotional appearance after playing a drunken buffoon, so that people who want to drink this as wary, afraid to let yourself drunk, there may be the next person is myself on the news media to achieve scare resistance drunk driving role. 8, drunken shuttle bus service: So that people can spend a little drink to ensure safety, take the shuttle bus to think of your home or destination, avoid being seized police, save the fines, but also security and peace, beneficial to all.




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