  • 學位論文


The Optimal Production Planning and Product Mix For Grease -A Case Study of C Company

指導教授 : 陳明德


在2015年的「巴黎氣候高峰會」,會後各國達成了協議要將全球平均氣溫升高幅度控制在2℃以內,並朝1.5℃以內努力。為了達到目標,全球各國每年須投資相當多的資源及財力在能源供應基礎建設上,這包含節源技術、再生能源應用、縮減石化燃料使用並且鼓勵以潔淨能源發電。當世界各國正在為減碳而努力時,其實很早就有一套潤滑學在節能的技術上做出貢獻。曾經有學者做過研究,我們使用的能源約有1/3以上消耗在摩擦、磨損上。因此我們若將潤滑學應用到極致,將可降低能源的耗用。在潤滑學中我們所稱潤滑產品分為潤滑油與潤滑脂,而本案中所要研究的產品為潤滑脂(簡稱滑脂)。 在競爭的市場,企業為滿足客戶的需求,不謹是要提供好的產品及優質服務,且要有即時供貨能力,否則一旦缺貨則可能造成客戶嚴重損失,且會影響企業本身的信譽。因此業務單位、物流單位與生產單位要緊密配合,制定出訂單需求與生產排程。本研究藉著討論當設備故障可能帶來的損失,而最重要的還是要怎麼運用既有的設備,規劃出最佳之生產模式。      研究中希望為滿足市場的需求、且在既有可生產的設備情形下,藉著線性規劃(Linear Programming)工具,得到潤滑脂最佳化之產品組合(Product Mix),使公司在面對越來越競爭的市場下,生產與銷售可彈性變化,以提升客戶的滿意度及達到公司最大化效益。


潤滑脂 線性規劃 產品組合


At the Climate Change Summit in Paris in 2015, agreement to limit the rise in global temperatures to less than 2℃ and even within 1.5℃is made. In order to achieve the target, nations in the whole world have to invest goodly resources as well as money in the basic constructions of energy supply which includes energy technology, renewable energy application, to reduce the usage of fossil fuels, and to encourage the clean power plan. While the efforts on carbon reduction have been making by countries, the contribution on energy-saving technology in the field of tribology has been existing for years. Researches were conducted by scholars before, and it is discovered that more than one-third of the energy we used is consumed on the friction and wearing. Therefore, the consumption of energy will be reduced if we can implement the tribology to the extreme. In tribology, the so-called lubricating products are divided into lubricants and grease. The subject to this research is grease. In the competitive market, enterprises provide not only good products, fine services, but capability of instant supply in order to meet the demands of customers. Once the short of supply occurs, it will bring the severe loss to the customers and decrease in the enterprise’s reputation. As a result of that, the sales units, logistics units, and production units shall closely work as a big team to form a deliberate plan for demands and production. This research is to develop the best model for production by discussing the potential loss caused by broken-down equipment and more importantly, by implementing the existing equipment. The research is to satisfy the demands in the market, additionally, to achieve the best product mix by adopting the linear programming with the current production equipment so that the enterprise is able to react flexibly in terms of production and sales to reach the higher customer satisfaction and maximize the profits under the competitive market environment.


Grease Linear Programming Product Mix


吳昀潔(2014),產品組合策略形成與核心能力之關聯研究-設計取向 VS 浮現取向,淡江大學國際商學碩士在職專班,碩士論文。
