  • 學位論文


Study on the correlation between family pressure and work performance of criminal investigation police officers

指導教授 : 楊士隆


本研究旨在探討刑事警察人員家庭壓力與工作績效關聯性之情形,研究目的如下:(一)了解不同背景變項的刑事警察人員對家庭壓力之差異情形。(二)了解不同背景變項的刑事警察人員在工作績效之差異情形。(三)了解刑事警察人員家庭壓力與工作績效之相關性。(四)探討刑事警察人員家庭壓力對工作績效之預測力。 研究對象以臺南市政府警察局編制配屬有刑事警察人員之單位:計有刑事警察大隊隊本部業務組各科室內勤人員及24個偵查隊2016年4月份在職同仁540人為母群體,採取全面普測方式發送問卷供被研究對象填答,因此共計發出問卷540份,回收540份問卷,回收率100%,有效問卷達99.2%。 本研究之研究工具有「家庭壓力量表」及「工作績效量表」,並以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheff'事後比較、Person積差相關及多元逐步回歸進行統計分析,以了解刑事警察人員人員之家庭壓力與工作績效之關聯性。研究主要結果歸納臚陳如下: 一、家庭壓力數中高程度,個人背景變項因性別、年齡、從警年資、學歷、職務、婚姻狀況、子女數、家庭組成、工作屬性等,感受程度而有所差異。 二、工作績效數中高程度,個人背景變項因性別、年齡、從警年資、學歷、職務、婚姻狀況、子女數、家庭組成、工作屬性等,感受程度而有所差異。 三、家庭壓力與工作績效之關係,呈現非常顯著之負相關。 四、以家庭壓力及其分量表來預測工作績效之關聯性,得到家庭壓力能顯著預測工作績效程度,可解釋變異量為20%。 最後依據研究結果及限制提出建議,供刑事警察人員、警政機關及未來研究參考之用。


This study discusses the correlation between family pressure and work performance of criminal investigation police officers. The purpose of this study is: 1. To understand the family pressure variations of criminal investigation police officers of different background variables. 2. To understand the work performance variations of criminal investigation police officers of different background variables. 3. To understand the correlation between family pressure and work performance for criminal investigation police officers. 4. To discuss the predictive power of criminal investigation police officers' family pressure on work performance. The study targets the criminal investigation police unit of the Tainan City Government Police Bureau: a general survey approach with questionnaires for the subjects to fill-in was taken; the population of 540 includes the active staff of the Criminal Investigation Corps unit affairs group internal personnel and 24 investigation teams in April, 2016. Of the total 540 questionnaires issued, 540 were reclaimed, 100% reclaim rate, and the valid recovery rate is 99.2%. This study uses the tools "family pressure measurement table" and "work performance measurement table", and uses descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Scheff ' post hoc comparisons, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and stepwise regression analysis to understand the correlation between family pressure and work performance of criminal investigation police officers. The results of this study could be summarized as follows: 1. The level of perception for mid to high level family pressure differ due to personal background variables such as gender, age, years of experience, degree, post, marital status, number of children, family composition, work type, etc. 2. The level of perception for mid to high level work performance differ due to personal background variables such as gender, age, years of experience, degree, post, marital status, number of children, family composition, work type, etc. 3. Family pressure and work performance have a very strong negative correlation. 4. The prediction of work performance using family pressure and its measurement table is feasible, while the explained variance is 20%. Finally, this study propose suggestions based on the results and limitations, for the future reference on criminal investigation police officers, police authorities and future studies.


