  • 學位論文


A Comparison of Victimization Experiences in School Bullying between Immigrant and Native Students

指導教授 : 楊士隆


近二十年臺灣外來移民逐漸增加,其子女陸續進入求學階段,就學人數逐年增多,因此已有許多學者針對新移民子女在校學業表現、學習態度、校園生活適應及偏差行為等主題進行研究,但其校園霸凌相關研究目前仍匱乏,故本研究針對新移民子女校園霸凌被害之現況進行了解,並檢視其與非新移民子女之受凌經驗是否有所不同,希望藉此擴充相關實證資料,提供學界與實務界作為發展新移民子女校園霸凌被害防治策略之參考。 本研究以104學年度就讀嘉義市公立國民中學一、二、三年級之學生為對象,採問卷調查法,以自編之「國中學生之個人、家庭與校園霸凌被害經驗調查問卷」為研究工具,共發出550份問卷,回收有效問卷448份,包括195名新移民子女及253名非新移民子女,問卷可用率81.45%,資料分析以描述統計次數分配、百分比、平均數、圖表、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析考驗二者校園霸凌被害經驗之差異。 研究結果發現,新移民子女在校園霸凌被害總量表及各分量表的得分,除「言語霸凌」及「網路霸凌」得分相等外,其餘皆高於非新移民子女,整體而言,新移民子女遭受校園霸凌之程度較非新移民子女為高,但二者沒有達到統計上的顯著差異。 在不同背景變項之校園霸凌被害部份,性別方面,不論是新移民子女或非新移民子女,不同性別對於學生的校園霸凌被害有統計上之顯著差異,男生受害的情形皆明顯較女生嚴重;年級方面,新移民子女之一年級學生之「關係霸凌」被害經驗顯著高於二年級學生;學業成績方面,非新移民子女之學業成績不及格學生之校園霸凌被害經驗顯著高於學業成績優良學生;家庭社經地位方面,非新移民子女之低家庭社經地位學生之「肢體霸凌」被害經驗顯著高於中家庭社經地位學生;父母教養型態方面,新移民子女之父母教養型態為非開明權威型學生之校園霸凌被害經驗顯著高於父母教養型態為開明權威型學生嚴重;同儕關係方面,不論是新移民子女或非新移民子女,不同同儕關係對於學生之校園霸凌被害有統計上之顯著差異,同儕關係不佳學生之校園霸凌被害經驗顯著高於同儕關係普通及良好之學生,同儕關係普通學生之之校園霸凌被害經驗顯著高於同儕關係良好之學生。 根據研究結果,針對學生、家長、教師與學校及後續研究方面,提出若干建議,以做為未來校園霸凌防治之參考。


新移民子女 校園霸凌 被害


The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the differences of victimization experiences in school bullying between immigrant and native students. A questionnaire survey was conducted with a total of 550 junior high school students in Chiayi City, first grade through third grade, including 195 immigrant and 253 native students. Of the 474 copies of the questionnaire retrieved, 448 were valid. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the raw data collected. The findings are as follows: 1.There were no significant differences of victimization experiences between immigrant and native students in school bullying. 2.There were significant differences on the gender of students about their experiences of being bullied, with more males than females. 3.Immigrant students reported a significant difference of social exclusion on their grade. First grade students were bullied more than second grade students. 4.Native students reported a significant difference of school bullying on their academic achievement. Academic fail students were bullied more than those who had excellent academic performance. 5.Native students reported a significant difference of physical bullying on their family social economic statuses (SES).Students from low SES were bullied more than those from medium SES. 6.Immigrant students reported a significant difference of school bullying on parenting styles. Students of non-authoritative parenting style were bullied more than those of authoritative parenting style . 7.There were significant differences on Peer relationships of students about their experiences of being bullied. Students of poor peer relationships were bullied more than those of common and good peer relationships. Students of common peer relationships were bullied more than those of good peer relationships. Based on the aforementioned findings, this study proposes several suggestions to the school, teachers, parents and students to prevent the occurrence of school bullying victimization. For the future studies, some suggestions are also provided.


