  • 學位論文

高職實用技能學程美髮技術科業師協同教學之相關研究- 以S學校為例

An Investigation on Hair Dressing Industry Experts Collaborative Teaching of the Practical Technical Program at a Vocational High School

指導教授 : 鄭明長




This study discussed the relevant issues on industry teachers’ cooperative teaching of practical skills curriculum in the department of hairdressing technique, including discussing students’ learning status of practical skills curriculum in the department of hairdressing technique and the interaction between industry experts and teachers’ teaching at school. Its purpose is to understand the difference in performance evaluation between students, industry teachers and teachers after accepting industry teachers’ cooperative teaching. The research samples for this study were students of practical skills curriculum in the department of hairdressing technique of the S vocational school. The questionnaire survey and semi-structured interview were used as the main data collection methods for statistical analysis. The research results showed that the majority of students of practical skills curriculum in the department of hairdressing technique of the vocational school give the positive affirmation in the aspect of teachers’ teaching behavior, curriculum materials and academic achievement after the industry teachers’ cooperative teaching. Moreover, in terms of qualitative analysis, this study used the students’ feedback sheet towards industry teachers’ cooperative teaching to analyze students’ academic achievement and learning attitude. Aimed at the interview data analysis of the personnel (e.g., the administrative personnel, teachers and industry teachers) related to industry teachers’ cooperative teaching, this study summarized the conclusion and implemented focus in the aspect of system, process and effect of industry teachers’ cooperative teaching. Therefore, this study proposed the relevant suggestions for the future researchers and vocational schools with the departments related to hairdressing which are currently implementing industry teachers’ cooperative teaching plan or have the intention to apply for the industry teachers’ cooperative teaching plan in the future.


