  • 學位論文


A Study on the Creation of Storytelling Brand - A Case Study of Jasmine Melody in Nanjing

指導教授 : 李貴連


故事性品牌伴手禮《好一朵茉莉花》是將品牌結合文化性與地方性,透過具有經濟性的商品,連結共同記憶與感動,自然生成的品牌認同;運用故事敘述與氛圍營造,將消費者引導入特定情境中,依此脈絡所建立之品牌即為故事性品牌。故事性品牌伴手禮包裝表現形式著重於強調故事代表意涵,並以此傳遞品牌形象,呈現品牌核心價值。 透過新創品牌突出鄉土特色、打造地方伴手禮,是本研究的主要目的;運用內容分析法,從故事性品牌觀點探討伴手禮表現形式。以江蘇南京為個案研究範圍,調查研究當地文化與民謠,挖掘出《茉莉花》這首流傳於南京六合一帶的江蘇民謠;以此為素材進行故事撰寫,將故事形象轉化為品牌識別。導入文化性、在地性、經濟性三個構面,結合FRESH品牌架構與五感體驗接觸點:視覺─入口意象,聽覺─音樂風鈴,嗅覺─現場烤餅,味覺─試吃試飲,觸覺─文創商品,營造故事氛圍為顧客創造最有價值的品牌體驗。成功打造融合文化與地方特色的故事性品牌《好一朵茉莉花》,成為南京馳名伴手禮品牌。


“Jasmine Melody” is a storytelling brand that incorporates cultural and local characteristics and connects shared memories and feelings in its merchandizes so that consumers can naturally identify with it. Using stories to set up the right atmosphere, story-telling branding allures consumers and immerses them in specific story-spaces. Deploying storytelling branding, local souvenirs can strategically utilize packaging as means to create meaningful stories, fashion the brand image of the company, and express its core values. This study focuses on how to build the new brand highlight the local characteristics, to create local hand ceremony. Through content analysis, this study explores possible forms of expressions of local souvenirs from the perspective of storytelling branding. Focalizing on Nanjing, Jiangsu in my case study, this thesis investigates local culture and discovers a Jiangsu folksong “Jasmine Melody”, popular in Liuhe area. This researcher will use this folksong as the main material to create stories and convert its narrative ingredients into a central brand image. Through positive construction of economic, cultural and local qualities and combining FRESH branding structure with visual - entrance image, auditory - music wind chimes, smell - site scones, taste - try to drink, touch - create goods, create a story atmosphere for customers to create the most valuable brand experience, I wish to make “Jasmine Melody” into a highly popular souvenir story-telling brand in Nanjing that resourcefully fuses cultural and local elements.


28.陳品妤、黃光玉,2009,精品珠寶品牌故事之比較:以Cartier, Chanel, Tiffany 為例,私立世新大學公共關係暨廣告學研究所碩士論文,臺北。
