  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Bank Employees’ Job Resourcefulness, Person-Job Fit, and Job Engagement

指導教授 : 顏昌華


現今金融業彼此競爭激烈,銀行業已經從單純的作業面轉而全面性的金融理財服務業。為了提高銀行的市場競爭力,著重員工教育訓練,期望員工能夠了解工作內容,並能以積極的態度去克服阻礙並完成工作。銀行業愈來愈重視銀行員工的工作創造力,如此才能在競爭激烈的金融業中勝任工作的挑戰。因此,本研究欲探討銀行員工的工作創造力對於工作敬業之關係,並了解個人-工作契合度在工作創造力對於工作敬業中是否具有中介效果。 本研究採用便利抽樣法針對國內銀行員工進行問卷調查,共計回收338份有效問卷,研究結果發現銀行員工的工作創造力對工作敬業具有顯著正向關係;工作創造力對個人-工作契合度具有顯著正向關係;個人-工作契合度對工作敬業也具有顯著正向關係;而個人-工作契合度在工作創造力與工作敬業之間具有部分中介效果。依據本研究結果,建議銀行業者在招募銀行員工時除了注重考試及甄選,也應該重視其人格特質是否具有工作創造力,並且加強行員教育訓練及明訂獎勵規章以提升行員工作活力,讓行員了解工作內容及工作目標,進而提升工作敬業。


In the age of globalization and competitiveness, financial environment around the whole world changes fiercely; banking has evolved into a profession that deals not only the basic deposit and withdraw means but complete financial planning and strategy for customers. In order to improve the bank’s competition, the training is very crucial. That way all bank’s employee can understand their job duties fully and overcome difficulties with an enthusiastic altitude towards work. Recent years, the banking industry has put a tremendous emphasis on the job resourcefulness of bank’s employee and expects the employees can handle their job and face the challenges in the competitive environment. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships among job resourcefulness, person-job fit and job engagement as well as to understand whether person-job fit mediates the relationship between job resourcefulness and job engagement. Samples of this study were bank employees collected by convenience sampling through questionnaires. The 338 questionnaires were returned. The empirical results of this study are as follow. First, job resourcefulness is positively related to bank employees’ job engagement. Second, job resourcefulness is positively related to person-job fit. Third, person-job fit is positively related to job engagement. At last, person-job fit partially mediates the relationship between job resourcefulness and job engagement. According to the results, the research suggests that human resource managers in recruiting and selecting process should evaluate not only the test scores but also personality traits to determine whether the candidate has the quality of being job resourcefulness. Human resource practices could strengthen the employees’ training and establish the regulations of reward to improve the employees’ job vigor, and make them fully understand the content and target of their job to prove their job engagement.


