  • 學位論文


A study on How to use Social Account Book and Knowledge Map to Select Talented Managers in Middle and Small Size Enterprises – A Case Study in South Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄧穎懋 李秀玲


人才是企業的根本,企業的人力資源管理有選才、用才、育才與留才四大重點,而所有的人才管理步驟都得從選才開始,足見企業選才的重要性。 本研究以「資源基礎理論」和「知識基礎理論」為理論基礎,以案例分析方法為主,建立內含「深度訪談法」、「知識地圖分析」與「人脈存摺分析」等研究企業人才評選流程,並以人數規模30人左右的中小企業之主管人才評選為探討對象,進行該企業的中階主管評選,在個案研究中,本研究發現知識地圖得為企業的建立一套適合評選中小企業主管的評選流程,而實證結果顯示本研究的評選模型可以選出「有較豐富的知識和技能」與「有較雄厚的關係人脈」的應徵者擔任該企業的中階主管,進而提升人力資源及研發管理之綜效。


Talents are the fundamental essence of enterprise with four key essentials including selection of employee, application of employee, education of employee and reservation of outstanding employee with the introduction of human resource management. Human resource starts from selection of employee on the beginning, so it is crucial step to implement enterprise human resource management for selection of talented managers. This research employs resource-based theory and knowledge-based theory as research method while applying depth interview, knowledge map analysis and social account analysis as research tool to select talented managers in middle and small enterprises. Case study is used to find out the selection of talented managers. With the help of personal passbook and knowledge map, a plausible selection progress can be designed and deployed to match talented and outstanding managers. According to proposed manager selection process in middle and small enterprises, excellent target candidates with abundant knowledge and skills (knowledge map) and networking (personal passbook) can be found with the combination of personal passbook and knowledge map.


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