  • 學位論文


A Study to Analyze the Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Overseas Teachers of an International School in the South of Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊智育


臺灣為了朝向國際化發展並與世界接軌,開始引進外籍教師的參與以加強國際化教育與語言能力課程。聘僱外籍教師的人事與行政成本都相對高於本國籍教師,然而,外籍教師的流動率卻遠遠高於本國籍教師,對學校與學生而言都造成重大的負面影響。本研究對臺灣南部地區某國際學校之外籍教師進行問卷調查,並藉由雙因子理論(Two Factor Theory)分析影響外籍教師工作滿意度與離職傾向之因素。問卷調查時間為民國106年4月26日至5月19日,總共發放44份問卷,扣除無效問卷10份,有效問卷共為34份,有效樣本回收率為77.3%。本研究發現:(一)外籍教師個人基本資料變項對工作滿意度與離職傾向皆無顯著的影響。(二)保健因子及激勵因子對外籍教師之工作滿意度皆呈現顯著的正向關係。其中,激勵因子對工作滿意度的影響比保健因子更大。(三)約有四成的外籍教師對薪資水準覺得不滿意。(四)外籍教師之工作滿意度與離職傾向呈現顯著的負向關係。


Now the days, Taiwan is also part of the global community. Therefore, more and more overseas teachers come to Taiwan for teaching students. However, the high turnover intention rate of the overseas teacher in Taiwan causes lots of administrative costs of the school. This study was to inquire the effect, which has been made by hygiene factors (remuneration and working environment etc.) and motivation factors (achievement autonomy etc.) to the turnover intention of overseas teachers in Taiwan. Try to find out which factor make stronger influence to the job satisfaction and turnover intention of overseas teachers in Taiwan. This study analyzed the overseas teacher’s job satisfaction and turnover intention of an international school in the south of Taiwan through the questionnaire. 44 sets of questionnaires has been sent out on April 26th, 2017 and collected back on May 19th, 2017. 34 of them are valid questionnaires (77.3%) and rests of 10 are invalid questionnaires. The study results: 1.The personal variables (sex, age and etc.) of overseas teacher have no significant effect on job satisfaction and turnover intention. 2. Both hygiene factors and motivation factors have a significant positive relationship with the job satisfaction of overseas teachers, but the motivation factors have a stronger impact on job satisfaction. 3. Around 40% of the overseas teachers are not satisfied with their current salary standard. 4. There is a significant negative relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention of overseas teachers in Taiwan.


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