  • 學位論文


The Study on Ecological Restoration Indicators of Industrial Heritage

指導教授 : 楊敏芝


全球產業結構的調整,伴隨著城市化的進程,導致原為製造生產之產業土地廢棄閒置。不僅造成了資源和能源的浪費、破壞生態、影響城市景觀,也制約了城市的永續發展。產業遺址(又稱工業遺址)主要問題是對生態環境和城市景觀的破壞,其次便是造成土地資源的浪費。如何透過生態復育之手法,將這些閒置空間,從消極狀態轉化為積極狀態,在不斷更新的城市秩序中獲得新生,是目前世界上眾多國家城市建設中面臨的重大課題。 國外已有產業遺址朝生態永續面向進行復育之案例,如德國魯爾工業區內之杜易斯堡景觀公園在規劃時使用生態手法進行大面積綠化及改善受汙染河道。臺灣近年來因產業文化資產再利用的推動,使產業遺址受到重視,得以轉型重新產生動能。但目前臺灣產業遺址之探討多以空間再利用為主,鮮少針對生態復育面向做深入探索。 本研究為探索性研究,主要透過現有之景觀生態相關理論、產業遺址、生態復育等相關案例及文獻,研擬產業遺址生態復育評估因數層級架構,歸納出產業遺址建構生態復育網絡所需考量之重要指標。


生態復育 產業遺址


The changes in global industries,along with the progress of urbanization, have triggered the abandonment of industrial properties that were used for manufacturing and production. It is not only a waste of resource and energy, destruction of ecology and Influence for urban landscapes, but also a confinement to the sustainable development of a city. One of the main issues of industrial Heritage (or abandoned industrial sites) is the destruction of ecology and urban landscapes, and another is the waste of land resource. For many countries in the world with ongoing urban development, it is a major issue to turn these idled spaces from their passive state into positive state through ecologic restoration and give them new life in the constantly renewing urban order. There have been cases of industrial ruin restoration towards ecologic sustainability. For example, ecologic methods were adopted in the development of Duisburg Landscape Park -Nord in Ruhr, the industrial heartland of Germany, for its large area of greening and the improvement of polluted waterways. Industrial Heritage are getting more attention in Taiwan recently thanks to the promotion of the reuse of industrial and cultural assets, allowing energy for the transformation and regeneration. However, the discussions on the industrial Heritage in Taiwan are still mostly focused on the reuse of space. Rarely the attention is placed on the aspect of ecologic restoration. This study is an exploratory research which is intended to develop the hierarchical structure of the ecologic evaluation factors for industrial Heritage through case study and literature review on existing landscaping and ecology-related theories, industrial Heritage and ecologic restoration, and the important indicators to be considered for the building of ecologic restoration network for industrial Heritage were established.


