  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study on the Construction of Consumer Travel-Related Lifestyle Scale

指導教授 : 鄭健雄


目前在休閒學域方面,甚少研究是針對於休閒建構一套適用於消費者的旅行生活型態量表,而就以生活型態之衡量、定義與操控本多歧異且在引用時亦可能會產生問題。有鑑於此,研究目的在於進行理論類型的分類,依據生活型態的理論類型,編制消費者「旅行生活型態量表」的構面及題項。最後進行實證測試,檢測量表之信效度,建構消費者的旅行生活型態量表。 本研究將從旅遊者的旅行生活型態為基礎出發,透過旅行、休閒與工作相關理論為主要的研究概念,以工作時間、人際取向與旅遊動機三個分類準據做為理論基礎。據此構念類型,並嘗試綜合理論與實務經驗建立相關的活動、興趣與意見題項(Activities, Interests and Opinions, AIO),藉由專家意見及修訂,初步編製完成一套由5 個構面34 題項所構成的「旅行生活型態量表」。研究發現,根據因素分析結果,可將量表精簡成21個題項所構成的5個構面,信度檢定均具不錯的內部一致性。以結構方程模式軟體(Analysis of Moment Structure, AMOS)進行驗證性因素分析,結果顯示出旅行生活型態構面對國內旅行次數及平均住宿費用有解釋能力,表示這些構面在旅行消費行為上具有區辨能力,且具有建構效度及預測效度。本量表初步證實已可做為區隔旅遊市場的工具,有效解釋並預測其行消費行為。此一研究結果,可以做為後續建構一個穩固的消費者旅行生活型態量表的基礎。


Presently, in the field of leisure studies there have been very few researches focused on construction of consumer travel-related lifestyle scale, where diversity in lifestyle measurements, definitions and controls may cause problems when citing like studies. In view of the possible problems, the objective of this study is to conduct theoretical classifications according to lifestyle theory models, and setup the travel-related lifestyle scale dimensions and questions. Finally, through empirical examinations, the experimental scale’s reliability and validity will be established, thus constructing the consumer travel-related lifestyle scale. This study is based on the tourist’s traveling lifestyle detailing in travel, leisure and work related theory as the key concepts of this research. In this research there are three criterions to its theoretical foundation: working hours, interpersonal orientations and tourism motion. Furthermore, this research generates Activities, Interests and Opinions (AIO) variables by synthesizing theories and practical experiences. Employing expert advices and revisions this research devises a five dimensions, 34-iteam statements, preliminary travel lifestyle scale. This study reveals that the preliminary scale can be streamlined into 21 questions that pose 5 dimensions following the results of the factor analysis. Reliability tests show good internal uniformity. Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) confirmatory factor analysis shows that travel-related lifestyle dimensions are able to explain domestic trip counts and average cost of accommodation. The above dimensions can differentiate travel consumption behaviors, and provide construct validity and predictive validity. The travel-related lifestyle scale has been preliminarily established as a travel market segmentation tool. This tool is capable of separating and classifying tourists, explaining and predicting their consuming behaviors. The result of this study can serve as a good precursor to construct a stable travel-related lifestyle scale.




