  • 期刊


Establishing the Domains of Occupational Standards for Taiwan's Printing and Publishing Industries


為提升出版相關產業之工作人員專業能力,促進出版教育須與出版產業職能需求合一,本文從「教、考、訓、用合一」的觀點,探討出版產業人才培育之「職能指標」向度。本研究運用「職能指標網頁資料蒐尋與職能指標知識發現模式」,並以歷史文獻法、網頁資料搜尋技術、比較研究法獲致出版職能指標向度,作為發展國家資歷架構(National Qualifications Framework, NQF)之雛型。研究發現僅英國、香港地區、與南非公告出版業職能指標,英國出版產業職能指標共有九個向度、南非七個向度、以及香港七個向度。進一步比較發現,南非的出版產業職能指標包含其它兩個國家或地區所未包含的「出版基本概論、語文」兩個向度;而英國的出版產業職能指標有三項是南非與香港所未包含之向度,分別為「選題與取材Commissioning and acquisitions、著作權Rights、出版合約Contracts」;香港則有三個向度是英國與南非所未包含的:「管理、市場推廣、以及物流/倉儲/付運」。最後,提出一份我國出版業職能指標向度草稿,共包含十四個向度:1.出版基本概論、2.選題與取材、3.語文、4.著作權、5.出版合約、6.設計(視覺)美術編輯、7.紙本與電子出版之編輯的管理專案、8.規劃設計(落版)、9.文案編輯、10.複製製作、11.行銷與直銷、12.市場推廣、13.物流/倉儲/付運、14.出版管理,提供產、官、學、研參考,以期喚起「出版產業界」及「印刷產業界」的注意,並敦促後續相關之研究進行。


Data mining analysis and comparison of the publishing occupational standards were recognized by the concerned industries, government agencies, universities and research institutes as essential and critically important means to improve the domestic competitiveness of the Publishing Industry in Taiwan. The objective of this research study was to explore and review several publishing industries' occupational standards and establish meaningful guidelines for training, educating and testing of college students as well as professionals working in the printing and publishing related industries. Also try to form the basic foundation for developing the prototype of National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in Taiwan. An Occupational Standards Discovery Model uniquely designed to search for knowledge and information associated with the occupational standards in printing and publishing related fields was used to conduct the study. The research methods included historical documentary reviews, website searches using a prototype navigation technology and comparative techniques. Results: This research obtained and reviewed the Publishing Industry's Occupational Standards from the U.K., Hong Kong, and South Africa, respectively. The study found that the British's Publishing Industry's Occupational Standards were composed of nine domains while both the South Africa and Hong Kong's had only seven domains. Moreover, there were several distinct differences among the standards, for example, the South Africa's Publishing Industry's Occupational Standards contained ”the Basic Publishing Principles” and ”the Language” two domains of which the other two standards did not have; Establishing the Domains of Occupational Standards for Taiwan's Printing and Publishing Industries the Britain's Occupational Standards had three unique domains of its own, namely Commissioning and Acquisitions, Copy Rights and Publishing Contracts; Hong Kong's Occupational Standards also contained three very unique and different domains of its own, which were Publishing Management, Market Promotion and Logistics, Shipping and Warehousing, respectively. Conclusions: After our detailed review and study of these three different Occupational Standards, the conclusion was that a comprehensive Occupational Standards that uniquely suit Taiwan's Printing and Publishing Industries should be drafted in order to improve the domestic competitiveness of the industries. The proposed draft of the Occupational Standards for Taiwan's Printing and Publishing Industries altogether have the following 14 domains: 1. Publishing, 2. Commissioning and Acquisitions, 3. Languages, 4. Rights, 5. Contracts, 6. Design, 7. Editorial Management of Print and Electronic Publishing Projects, 8. Structural Design, 9. Editing, 10. Production, 11. Marketing and Direct Sales, 12. Marketing Promotion, 13. Logistic, Shipping and Warehousing and 14. Publishing Management. Hopefully this drafted Occupational Standards for Taiwan's Printing and Publishing Industries can provide some guidance and bring the necessary attentions to the concerned government agencies, universities, research institutes and the related industries, and jointly work together to improve the competitiveness of the Printing and Publishing industries in Taiwan.




