  • 期刊


Participants' Farming Experiential Value in the Rural-Urban Fringe of New Taipei City: The Effect of the Value on Sense of Place and Pro-Environmental Behavior




This study aimed to develop the construct of participants' farming experiential value in organic citizen farms, and discussed the cause model of value, sense of place, and pro-environmental behaviors of participants in New Taipei organic citizen farms. A questionnaire survey was used to collect the 290 samples from seven New Taipei citizen farms. Through CFA and SEM analysis, this study developed a model of farming experiential value that contain six dimensions which are Health, Positive Emotions, Self-Confidence, Escapism, Social Connection, and Knowledge. This result also showed that the farming experiential value could predict the sense of place and pro-environmental behavior of participants in New Taipei City's organic farm. The relationship between value of organic city farms and pro-environmental behavior was partially mediated by sense of place. This study also found that the meaning of city's organic farm from participants was more like a private spaces, and not like a public garden. It is hoped that the result of this study will support the protection of farm land in the urban-rural fringe in New Taipei City.


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