  • 期刊


Households' Resources Acquisition and Life Recovery under Permanent Housing Policy of Typhoon Morakot Disaster in Kaohsiung City




This research analyzes the data of Social Impacts and Recovery Survey of Typhoon Morakot to find the influences of Permanent housing recovery Policy on households' resources acquisition and life recovery. The survey was performed in four waves (2010, 2011, 2012, 2015) by NCDR. The survey found that resources (e.g. donation, funds, goods, relief) distributed to household affected by the disaster were unbalanced between PHRs (permanent housing residents) and NPHRs (nonpermanent housing residents). The PHRs had more opportunity receiving helps and assistants from governments and NGOs, such as mental therapy, transportation, job offering etc... Additionally, a case study of Nansalu village showed that residents refused to move in Permanent housing (return home) had less opportunity receiving resources. Regarding life recovery, PHRs had 7.5% more unemployment rate than NPHRs, also spent 1 year more to recover the family income back as before. Moreover, PHRs spent an average of 4 to 6 months more to get the life back on track compared to NPHRs. Furthermore, PHRs has weaker connection with their family and friends than NPHRs after Morakot. The case study of Xiaolin village shows the difficulties of life recovery such as job findings, and social network recovering. The results of this study indicate that the government should institutionalize the work of life recovery and housing reconstruction as a disaster mitigation affair, especially emphasizes on issues such as subjectivity of victims, collectivity of migration, diversity of households or villages, and relocation suitability.


丘延亮(2010)。不對天災無奈,要教人禍不再: 災後民間力量在信任蕩然之叢林世界中的對抗與戰鬥。台灣社會研究季刊。78,363-401。
汪文豪(2014),莫拉克五年後(1)杉林大愛農業無著人口外流居民:「安居不樂業」,「上下游News & Market」,http://www.newsmarket.com.tw/blog/54943/,2014 年08 月12日。


