  • 期刊


Migrant Workers' Health in Southern Taiwan: An Exploratory Study Based on the IACT Health Service Project


目標:台灣在客工政策之下,對於移工的健康管理主要目的在於傳染病管控,然而,藍領移工大都從事所謂三K行業的工作,職災發生率遠高於本國勞工,加上普遍超時工作,故其健康情形值得關注。方法:本研究以台灣國際醫療行動協會在北高雄所執行的健康服務方案為基礎,以歷年累積的諮詢單資料作為主要分析素材,針對菲律賓籍為主的移工族群之健康問題進行初探,並著重全面性健康的社會脈絡分析。結果:本研究發現,楠梓地區移工的血壓有偏高現象,其隱含著移工在身心健康狀況可能也比較有問題。統計值中,教育程度較低、男性、工廠組裝移工的血壓較容易偏高,這可能和移工的工作性質、生活適應及住宿條件等有關。此外,移工在生活適應與權益保障部分,也很欠缺制度性協助與資訊取得管道。結論:移工的健康問題是相當多樣化的,移工健康問題應扣連到移工的勞動社會處境,政府需要正視與回應移工的需求,而職業健康的風險應該納入成為雇主與社會的健康成本。(台灣衛誌 2012;31(1):43-57)


Objectives: Because of the guest worker policy in Taiwan, health management for migrant workers focuses on controlling infectious disease rather than protecting the right to health. Many migrant workers in Taiwan are engaged in so-called 3K industries where there are higher occupational injury rates, and they generally work overtime. This study, therefore, explored the extent to which migrant workers suffered from health hazards. Methods: This study was based on the IACT (International Action and Cooperation Team) project concerning health consultation outreach to migrant workers, the majority of whom are Filipinos, in North Kaohsiung. It analyzed the health consultation charts accumulated over almost three years, and focused on the social context of health issues. Results: The migrant workers in this study tended to have higher blood pressure, suggesting that they might also have other physical and mental problems. Workers who were less educated, male, and working in manufacturing plants were liable to have higher blood pressure, and this phenomenon may be related to their working conditions, environmental adaptation, and accommodations. In terms of social well-being as part of the complete meaning of health, migrant workers were short on access to institutional information and assistance. Conclusions: The health issues of migrant workers are diverse and intertwined with their social and working conditions. The government should response to the health needs of migrant workers, and employers and society should bear the cost of dealing with workers’ occupational health risks. (Taiwan J Public Health. 2012; 31(1):43-57)


International Labour Organization=ILO(2010).International Labour Migration: A Rights-Based Approach.Geneva:International Labour Office.
ILO. Executive summary, international labour migration: a rights-based approach, 2010. Available at: http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/migrant/download/rights_based_es_en.pdf. Accessed March 14, 2011.


