  • 期刊


Psychosocial Resources and Stress Proliferation as Mediators between Indebtedness and Psychological Distress




Abundant evidence exists for the association between indebtedness and mental health outcomes, yet research identifying mediators of this relationship remains scarce. We used representative data from the 2007 Taiwan Social Change Survey to conduct causal mediation analyses to evaluate a range of potential mediators related to psychosocial resources and stress proliferation suggested by the paradigm of stress process model. After robust control for confounds, we found significant mediation between the primary stressor of accruing debt, regardless of its type, and psychological distress through stress proliferation characterized by greater economic adversity encountered in the past year and increased odds of borrowing money from others in the past year. When unsecured debt was involved in the primary stressor, additional mediation was observed through increased odds of expressing - personal troubles in the past year. We concluded that the stress process model is useful in revealing the underlying mechanism between debt and health, especially when a distinction is made between types of debt.


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