  • 期刊


Lean Smart Manufacturing: A Conceptual Framework and Solution Based Co-Creative Platform




Industry 4.0, started in Germany in 2011, was fervently promoted by various advanced countries and followed by the introduction of "smart manufacturing". As an innovative strategy of the manufacturing industry "smart manufacturing" has attracted considerable attention in the field of academic and practice. However, the issues of huge investment and differentiation of individual enterprises have created a big gap between policy promotion and production at the site of actual industrial manufacturing and resulted in limited progress in smart manufacturing and failure to find a clear development direction. In view of the situation, this study is made to develop in relation to the practice of individual companies in the industry a practical structure of "Lean Smart Manufacturing" combining lean production with smart manufacturing to achieve customer value. That is to say, after examining industry 4.0 trend, research literature and practice of smart manufacturing this study therefore proposes a conceptual framework of "Lean Smart Manufacturing" and "strategic solution based co-creative platform" from the essence of value creation. The framework proposed begins with continuous improvement of the physical system which includes digitizing, linking, and intelligent using. Secondly, through the strategic co-creative platform built by digital information which is collected in the cyber system from physical system, problem-solving mechanism integrating suppliers with customers and eventually creation of customer value is to be made. In conclusion, this study is offering a theoretical implication of "Lean Smart Manufacturing" and practical measure as to how the Japanese and Taiwanese manufacturing continue to establish differentiated advantages centered on the physical system.


資策會產業情報研究所 (MIC) 「 CPS 於智慧製造之應用探索」, 民國 105 年 。https://mic.iii.org.tw/Industryobservation_MIC02views.aspx?sqno=165 (民國107年10月5日瀏覽)。
劉仁傑、陳國民,世界工廠大移轉,台北:大寫出版,民國 103 年。
