  • 期刊


The performance and application of tennis sliding movement




For top professional tennis players, they are capable of moving on court in an efficient way. Tennis movement includes three parts: running, jumping and gliding. Among them, running and jumping are the basic. Sliding has been viewed as an advanced level drill; it helps players to achieve proper stance within a short time. In this article, the researcher discusses the influence of sliding in three aspects: 1. The form and application of sliding movement. 2. Sliding on different surfaces and the possibility of getting injury. 3. How to train athletes to slide. From the analysis, the researcher discovered that, if players can utilize sliding efficiently, and perform lower body acceleration well, it is possible to enhance their movement on court. Besides, they are able to get prepared in an open stance when setting up for the stroke. For athletes to get prepared, it is important to include lateral agility training, balance training and core muscle training in daily training routine. These types of training can improve athlete's performance, and at the same time, prevent strain and injury.


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