  • 期刊


Ignition Failure and the Adjustment Failure of the Balance of Power Mechanism: Case Study of the Warring States Era Practices


國際關係的權力平衡機制,本身充滿概念定義模糊與高度的理論化缺陷。國際社會的霸權起伏,彰顯權力平衡機制失靈(failure of balance of power mechanism)的獨特現象,霸權更迭的論點,更構成權力平衡機制重複失靈的理論挑戰。本文首先回顧國際關係研究對權力平衡理論的質疑,擬超越美歐國際關係理論的思維窠臼,重新認識權力平衡機制的運作動因與面貌。其次省察東亞戰國時期合縱連橫實踐,以及出現一統帝國的客觀事實,探索權力平衡機制失靈的現象。本文結論以為,國際體系存在權力平衡機制啟動失靈與權力平衡機制修正失靈;探究權力平衡失靈,可以提升吾人對於目前國際體系權力轉換的理解與認識。


The concept of the Balance of Power theory in the international relations paradigms is full of theoretical defaults in terms of the concept's definition. The hegemonic transition in the international community exhibits the phenomenon of the failure of the Balance of Power mechanism. The power shifting arguments also constitute theoretical challenges of continuous failure to the Balance of Power mechanism. After reviewing questions related to the Balance of Power theory in International Relations studies, this paper intends to first go beyond the Euro-American conceptual constraints that have haunted IR studies to understand the dynamics and the images of the Balance of Power mechanism based on a different approach. It furthermore attempts to explore the phenomenon of the Balance of Power failure after observing the formation of alliances in China's Warring States Era and the fact that the Chinese empire had been repeatedly founded in the East Asia region. The article concludes by stating that there has been both an ignition failure as well as an adjustment failure in relation to the Balance of Power mechanism in the international system. Further exploring this Balance of Power failure will enhance our understanding of the shifting of international power.


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