  • 期刊


The Practice of Spiritual Care in the Long-Term Care Facilities in Taiwan




Due to the social evolution and the change in family structure, the institutional care model has become the first choice of care for the elders in late-life. Long-term care settings may negatively impact elderly individuals' physical, psychological and social conditions and further affect their overall spiritual well-being. Conversely, spiritual distress may also deteriorate elderly residents' physical, psychological and social health, causing a vicious cycle. Therefore, spiritual assessment and care should be practiced in institutional settings to enhance the practice of whole-person care. Although spiritual care has been included in the accreditation survey of long-term care facilities, residents' spiritual demands are still ignored frequently. Previous literature demonstrates four main influences of barriers to spiritual care practice exist: confusion between religious and spirituality, low spiritual self-awareness for nursing staff, the lack of systematic spiritual education programs, and shortages of nursing workforces. To overcome obstacles for this problem in practice and promote the practice of spiritual care, this article presents a synopsis of the spiritual needs of elders, factors affecting spiritual care practices of institutions, and several spiritual assessment and care models developed for elders. Based on the above review, several feasible strategies are recommended to improve spiritual care practice in an institution. Through the sharing of knowledge, we expect that long-term care facility workers can pay attention to this issue and promote the implementation of spiritual care.


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