  • 期刊


Leisure Benefits of Scuba Diving for Serious Leisure People


本研究以休閒潛水為例,旨在探討認真休閒業餘型者之休閒利益。本研究採質化研究,以Stebbins 認真休閒理論之內涵撰寫訪談大綱,以半結構式、開放性深度訪談方式進行,透過與參與者的訪談時及活動過程中對這些北臺灣某醫院潛水社之社員的觀察。訪談對象以醫院潛水社之社員,男性、女性各4 人。研究結果為:就休閒利益而言,本研究發現為:(一)個人方面:自我充實、自我實現、自我表現、個人重建(克服恐懼、個性改變、釋放壓力)、成就感、提昇自我形象、自我滿足、增進擅用時間規劃休閒能力。(二)社會方面:社會吸引、增進家庭情感、對團體維持及發展的貢獻及對自然環境的關懷。研究結果雖大部分可符合Stebbins 的理論,但因潛水技術有其專業性,個人方面之自我充實,非常重要;但在自我實現部分,並不苛求技術精進,而以欣賞美麗的景點為訴求。本文部份受訪者因參與潛水,伴侶及孩子皆受其吸引一起參與潛水,可增進家庭情感。而在社會方面,潛水以團隊活動為主,而以生命安全為前提,特別是休閒潛水者,其社會吸引及團體貢獻非常強,但缺乏團體創作。此外,社員們也因為參與潛水活動提昇對大自然環境休閒場域關懷與維護。


The Serious Leisure Theory (SLT) proposed by Stebbins (Stebbins, 1992) has been extensively applied to several major categories of social activities. In this study, we choose Leisure Diving Activities as an example to examine the purposes and corresponding benefits of amateur-type, leisure sports in modern Taiwan society. We generated an interview procedure based on SLT guidance, and had applied it in to an open-style interview for eight divers (four males and four females) in a private club of a northern Taiwan hospital. In personal aspects, our results indicate that participants would like to gain self-fulfillment, self-realization, self-expression, and personal reconstruction (from fear, negative personality or pressure); to improve sense of achievement, self-image, self-satisfaction, and the use of leisure time. From the social point of view, they also like to facilitate social attraction, family interactions, group contribution and environment protection. Our findings greatly support SLT. It is worth noting that diving is a highly professional activity, elevating the importance of self-fulfillment for participants. They would like to have more focus on enjoying the beautiful sights instead of the fluency of diving skills. Some participants' are also benefit by recruiting family relatives to the activities, for which is rarely observed in other serious leisure activities. However, since team work and safety are the major concerns for leisure divers, personal and team creativities have been sacrificed substantially during the activity.


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